April 2011




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Week Five - Saturday Afternoon

Character: Bridget Mackenzie
Location: Outskirts of Las Vegas
Summary: Arrival into town at last.
Rating: PG just to be safe

So this was Las Vegas )


Week Five - Saturday

Characters: Kathleen Forbes and Jed Bailey
Location: Siena Suites, Lobby
Summary: At Jack's birthday party, a slightly drunk Jed flirts with Kathleen and gets her dancing, only to have her go into labor.
Rating: P for PANIC

'You know, he's not a thing or some kind of alien, which is going to pop out and eat your face.' )


Week 5 - Saturday

Characters: Kathleen Forbes, Leo Parker, and Walker
Location: Siena Suites, Kathleen's place
Summary: Kathleen makes breakfast while Leo helps put together the nursery. Another argument over how Walker's disability should be handled ensues, until Kathleen gets sick and makes a mad dash for the bathroom.
Rating: H for Helpful

Thank goodness for Buttermilk Complete Pancake mix for a post-apocalypse world, just add water. )


Week 5 - Saturday AM

Characters: Grace McDonald and Chris Wells
Location: Grace's place at Siena Suites
Summary: Chris waits on Grace so they both can help with putting together a nursery for Kathleen.

Grace makes good instant coffee, yum )


Week Five - Saturday

Characters: Jack Baker and Jed Bailey
Location: A park and later an abandoned ice cream shop
Summary: Jack's birthday! Before the party, Jed takes Jack out for a day of fun. They skateboard and eat ice cream.
Rating: B for birthday!

Girl, you might be thirteen, but I don' think you could reach the pedals. )


Week Five - Friday

Characters: Molly and Drew
Setting: University of Las Vegas cafeteria.
Summary: Molly goes looking for a warm meal and meets Drew.
Rating: Low.

Anything beats the silence. )


Week 5 - Handwaveday

Characters: Kathleen and Luc
Setting: Kathleen's suite.
Summary: Luc visits Kathleen's rooms to say hello and make some plans.
Rating: P for Preparations

I'm afraid I left my college transcripts in my other pants )


Week Five - Wednesday

Characters: Alice Munroe, Jed Bailey, and Jared Bivens
Setting: Alice's place.
Summary: Jared walks in on Alice and Jed, and promptly goes to his room. That doesn't mean he isn't listening at the door as Alice and Jed flirt, before Alice says she's seeing Leo. After Jed leaves, Jared gets cranky on Alice. Part 2/2
Rating: A for Awkward

'When you were dancin', it was like you were talkin'. Like I could understand.' )


Week Five - Wednesday

Characters: Alice Munroe, Jed Bailey, and (eventually) Jared Bivens
Setting: Alice's place.
Summary: After Alice comes back from meeting Luc, Jed comes over with an olive branch. Included is talk of cheese, Jed's greatest fear revealed, and Alice dancing. I dunno, somehow it happened. Part 1/2
Rating: N for No Fighting

'I remember Zoé tellin' me you had a thing for processed cheese.' )


Week 5 - Wednesday

Characters: Cassidy Raikes and Kathleen Forbes
Setting: Outside Siena Suites
Summary: Kathleen goes for a walk and meets Cassidy and share opinions.

On the sidewalk along the empty parking lot which paralleled the sports field and park east of Siena Suites )


Week 5 - Wednesday

Characters: Alice and Luc
Setting: The Bellagio Hotel
Summary: Alice runs into Luc, drawn by the sound of the hotel foyer grand piano. After a somewhat stilted and uneasy conversation she decides that the gang at the Siena would be better off with him than without - for now, at least.
Rating: C for Chopin

If I wanted to kill myself I'd be dead by now )


Week 5 - Friday

Characters: Cass and Zoé
Setting: The poolside / Zoé's apartment
Summary: Cass and Zoé hang out. That's basically it. Conversation, a little 'tension'. Character dev stuff.
Rating: S for sunscreen

You don't ever do something because you know you should rather than because you want to? )


Week 5 - Friday

Characters: Alice Munroe and Kathleen Forbes
Setting: During the morning at Kathleen's Suite (before Kathleen's meeting with Grace)
Summary: Alice visit's Dr. Forbes to have her stitches removed, but the hungry doctor has to eat first. They talked about Jack and Jared then disagree.
Warning: Language

Moisturize daily for a least the next few weeks )


Week 5 - Tuesday

Characters: Jed Bailey and Leo Parker (and also Walker)
Location: Siena Suites
Summary: Jed finds Leo to talk about being manly and guarding the cave.
Rating: PG-13 for subtle innuendos and swearz.

Walker swung his legs boredly between them. Grown-ups were ridiculously dull sometimes. )


Week 5 - Saturday Morning

Character: Chris Wells
Location: Roof top, Siena Suites
Summary: Chris finds his way onto the roof and then surveys the layout of the area.

He had no fear of heights )

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