April 2011




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Week 35 - Wednesday

Characters: Derek Miller and Holly Sharpe
Location: The boys' room
Summary: Derek comforts Holly. Really.
Rating: PG-13 for language

Look, Holly. I - I’m sorry. )


Week 35 - Thursday

Characters: Ana Gordon-Kirke, Tom Galloway, Jed Bailey, Greg Blair, Derek Miller, NPC kidnappers.
Location: Somewhere in the countryside around Grants Pass
Summary: Tom makes the kidnappers an offer they can’t refuse.
Rating: PG-13 for language and threat of violence.

Lady, you’re not in charge here. You touch a hair on that girl’s head and it’ll be the last thing you ever do. )


Week 35 - Sunday

Characters: Derek and Holly.
Location: Their room.
Summary: Derek and Holly establish the mood and rules of their new rooming experience.
Rating: PG-13 for language

I catch you checking me out, I will kick your ass. Touch any of my stuff and I kick your ass. Wake me up when I’m sleeping and well, you see where I’m going with this. )


Week 34 - Wednesday

Characters: Derek Miller, Louisa May Smith and trader Zeke (NPC)
Location: Grounds and Louisa's trailer
Summary: Derek and Zeke visit the good doctor
Rating: PG-13 for some language

You busy? Want to go see the good doctor? Maybe she’ll feed us. )


Week 33 - Sunday

Characters: Derek Miller, Meg Callahan, Louisa May Smith
Location: The Doc's trailer
Summary: Meg and Louisa surprise Derek with a birthday celebration
Rating: Strong PG-13 for language

Today’s my birthday? You did this for me? )


Weeks 25-32

Characters: Derek Miller and John Searle
Location: Worksite on the farm
Summary: Searle's having a hard time and Derek finds him upset
Rating: R for language
Date: Early week 27

Do you ever feel like you’re all alone? Like, even with everyone here? )


Week 24 - Tuesday afternoon

Characters: Derek and Meg
Location: Parlor
Summery: Derek's feeling frazzled thanks the events of the last evening; Meg understands and offers her company
Rating: PG

'I know I’m supposed to be a people-hating jerk, but I couldn’t let her go out unarmed and get herself killed.' )


Week 24 - late Tuesday morning

Characters: Derek and Tom
Location: Outdoors
Summary: Derek receives a talking to when he goes to retrieve the gun he gave Alice
Rating: PG

And maybe they could have attacked on the night the house was struck by a meteor. )


Week 24: Tuesday, Early AM

Characters: Alice Munroe and Derek Miller; then Tom Galloway, Bridget MacKenzie, and Holly Sharpe.
Summary: Alice attempts to run away from home, but doesn't get very far before turning back. Tom finds her passed out from exhaustion where she's parked, then brings her upstairs to Bridget's room while Holly observes.
Rating: PG-13

“Just do everyone a favor and look the other way. Nobody has to know.” )


Week 23 - Sunday

Characters: Derek and Searle.
Location: Farm and by the river.
Summary: Derek gives Searle his birthday present.
Rating: PG-13, probably.

'C’mon, man,' he answered. 'Save the sap for your girlfriend.' )


Week 22 - Thurs

Characters: Derek Miller and Meg Callahan
Location: Meg and Mike's room
Summary: Derek and Meg discuss if they can be friends
Rating: R for language and A for angst

I.. Jesus, I can’t be your friend? )



Characters: Derek, Louisa May, and Ana
Location: From the farm to the trailer park, and back to the farm again.
Summary: Derek and Louisa May go trailer huntin’. While at the park, they get some worrying news about Molly.
Rating: G

You know, between your trailer and tin foil on my window, the only thing we need is a car up on blocks and we’ll hit the ‘hood bingo. )


Week 21: Wednesday

Characters: Tom, Molly, and Derek
Location: Grants Pass, by the airport
Summary:Tom, Molly, and Derek scout the National Guard Armory.
Rating: PG

It felt like he had entered an Indiana Jones movie )


Week 21: Saturday

Characters: Louisa May, Meghan, and Derek
Location: Derek's Room
Summery: Meg's giving the Doc a tour, they come up on Derek, who vents some pretty deep issues.
Rating: R for language

...if you think /anyone/ here wants to see you do that to yourself, you’re more fuckin’ blind than me. )


Week 21 - Thursday

Characters: Derek Miller and Louisa May Smith
Loacation: The doctor's house, Medford
Summary: Derek and Louisa have a more serious discussion about Leo
Rating: PG

I gotta tell you, though, you being there, well, it’d make me feel a lot better about having him around. )

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