April 2011




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Week 22 - Saturday

Characters: Jack Baker and Molly Williams.
Location: Molly and Jacks room in the Farmhouse.
Summary: Jack comes to visit Molly while she’s sick, they make slightly awkward conversation.
Rating: G

“She misses you. Everybody does.” )


Week 22 - Saturday

Characters: Andrew Kirke and Molly Williams
Location: Molly and Jack’s room
Summary: Drew does the bedside thing.
Rating: G

“Don’t worry, I wont tell anyone about how you cried because I beat you.” )


Week 21: Wednesday

Characters: Tom, Molly, and Derek
Location: Grants Pass, by the airport
Summary:Tom, Molly, and Derek scout the National Guard Armory.
Rating: PG

It felt like he had entered an Indiana Jones movie )


Week 21 - Monday

Characters: Ana Gordan, Molly Williams and Holly Sharpe
Location: Medford Mall
Summary: Hair supplies and a special request from Meg inspire a trip to the mall
Rating: G

So, if you could give one person at the farm a makeover, who would it be and why? )


week 19 - Friday

Characters: Molly and Searle.
Location: The Farm, Jack’s and Molly’s room.
Summary: Searle comes to collect things for Jack and winds up talking to Molly.
Rating: PG

“Maybe everything happens for a reason,”  )


Week 19 - Monday

Characters: Jack Baker, Molly Williams
Location: The girls' room
Summary: Bed time, but instead of sleeping Jack and Molly have some girl talk
Rating: TG for teenage girls

It’s a bit romantic, finding love in the middle of all this chaos and weirdness. )


Week 19- Friday

Who: Andrew Kirke and Molly Williams.
Location: The woods and Riverbank not too far from the house
Summary: Molly and Drew go exploring and stumble over Molly’s new pet project.
Rating: G

“If you want to be the one to dig out a Christmas Tree, be my guest.”  )


Week Nineteen - Wednesday

Characters: Molly Williams and Tom Galloway
Location: Farmhouse, Kitchen
Summary: Tom comes in to eat after Patrol, and Molly volunteers herself as a partner for next time.
Rating: G

Maybe he ought to be passing on some of his skills to her as well as to Jed and Searle, she’d probably put them to good use just as much as they would. )


Week 18 - Friday

Characters: Meg and Molly
Location: The Farmhouse Living room
Summery: Molly and Meg are making Christmas plans and talk of the past.
Rating: G

“I figure if we make enough ornaments, it’ll give Alice an excuse to let us have a tree.”  )


Molly: Weeks 11-17

Read more... )


Characters: Andrew Kirke and Molly Williams
Location: The Siena Suites courtyard.
Summary: Moments before leaving, Molly has some second thoughts about leaving Las Vegas. Drew does his best to make her feel better.
Rating: G

“It could just say something like ‘Seth: Gone West. Miss you. X-O-X-O, Molly’.” )


Week Ten: Sunday

Characters: Analise Gordan, Andrew Kirke, Molly Williams
Location:The radio tower.
Summary: Molly comes by with breakfast and meets Ana. The three of them (well, two; Drew's kinda quiet) talk about where Ana's been, among other things.
Rating: G

Hey Molls. I see you’ve met my girlfriend. )


Week Nine - Thursday

Characters: Bridget and Molly
Location: Siena Suites, Library
Summary: Molly comes to the library looking for Searle but finds Bridget instead.
Rating: PG

Did you have a run-in with someone? Maybe I can help. )


Week nine - Thursday

Characters: Molly and Searle.
Location: Around LV.
Summary: Searle's not happy about the meet-ups ending, so Molly helps him try to find potential colony members.
Rating: PG.

'I don’t need any help and I don’t need any snot nosed kids hanging around either.' The man’s voice called back. 'You’ll just slow me down.' )


Week Nine: Tuesday

Characters: Molly Williams and Drew Kirke.
Location: The radio tower.
Summary: Molly returns with news about the Siena Suites and its occupants. Drew finds himself a reason to go talk to the supposed "big wigs."
Rating: PG-13 for mild language.

''I sense a 'but' coming.'' )

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