April 2011




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Week 24: Tuesday Evening

Characters: Leo Parker and Bridget Mackenzie
Location: Hall outside of Bridget’s bedroom.
Summary: Leo’s dying to see Alice after she returns, but Bridget doesn’t want to allow it.
Rating: G

’I wanna see Alice. Is she all right?’ )


Week 24 - Monday

Characters Tom Galloway and Abby Theien
Location The farmhouse
Summary With the events of the previous night fresh in his mind, Tom seeks out Abby for a conversation he’d meant to have weeks before.

I’ll be damned if anyone’s going to mistreat a *dog*, let alone a woman, under my watch. )


Week 24 - Saturday

Characters: Jack Baker and Bridget Mackenzie
Location:: Jack's room
Summary: Bridget comes to check on a heartbroken Jack
Rating: G

I hate that phrase: ‘friends-with-benefits’. It’s trite. )


Week 24 - Friday

Characters Bridget and Meg
Location Farmhouse Kitchen
Summary Bridget and Meg finish restocking the pantry, then talk about dogs before the conversation turns to Alice.
Rating PG

Sarge, we need to do something about your drooling problem. )


Week 24 - Tuesday afternoon

Characters: Derek and Meg
Location: Parlor
Summery: Derek's feeling frazzled thanks the events of the last evening; Meg understands and offers her company
Rating: PG

'I know I’m supposed to be a people-hating jerk, but I couldn’t let her go out unarmed and get herself killed.' )


Week 24 - Saturday Afternoon

Characters: Greg Blair and Abby Theien
Location: The Barn
Summary Greg and Abby become a couple.
Rating PG

The chevalier put aside his fears, took a deep breath, and committed himself to his fate. )


Week 24 - Saturday

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: Farmhouse, by the front door.
Summary: Searle decides he needs to end make out time with Jack, and it doesn’t go well.
Rating: PG

'And now we don’t have to worry anymore.' )


Week 24: Thursday

Characters: Alice Munroe and Jed Bailey
Location: The kitchen
Summary: Jed and Alice bump into each other in the kitchen for the first time since their big break-up. Alice gets her words out this time though Jed isn't too fond of them, but the two part ways a little more easily.
Rating: Soft R for language.

It was worse than [Jed] thought; she was being kind. )


Week 24 - Thursday

Characters: Greg Blair and Nate Theien
Location: Farmhouse, Nate and Abby’s room.
Summary: Greg has an important question to ask Nate.
Rating: PG

You want to court my sister. What, no dowry of livestock or pheasants or something? )


Week 24 - Monday

Characters: Jack Baker and Jed Bailey
Location: The barn
Summary: Jack follows Jed to make sure he's not leaving her and the group after his breakup.
Rating: G

You ain’t juss some kid I picked up, Jack. Yer my kid. )


Week 24 - Friday

Characters: Jed and Searle.
Location: Farm grounds.
Summary: Jed seeks Searle out to talk about his involvement with Jack.
Rating: PG

'You hurt her, I hurt you. That’s how it’s gonna work.' )


Week 24: Monday Afternoon

Characters: Bridget Mackenzie, Jed Bailey, Greg Blair
Location: Jed’s room
Summary: Bridget comes to collect Alice’s things, with Greg’s help. Naturally there’s tension, and Jed decides he should ask Tom about moving rooms.
Rating: PG-13, for angry pregnant woman

“No, she isn’t all right! She’s shattered, an emotional wreck. And it’s all” *poke* “your” *poke* “fault!” *poke*  )



Characters: Leo Parker and Alice Munroe
Location: The attic
Summary: Leo checks up on Alice, and the two discuss what’s next for them.
Rating: PG-13

“But I do gotta remind you, we worked pretty well before.” )


Week 24: Sunday Evening

Characters: Leo Parker, Tom Galloway, Jamie Walker
Location: Farmhouse
Summary: Learning that Alice might be in trouble, Leo tries to race to her side but is intercepted by Tom in the hallway.

’You’ve been settling in well the past few weeks, son, don’t undo all your hard work in a few minutes. It’s not worth it.’ )


Week 24: Wednesday

Characters: Nathan and Abigail Theien
Location: Their room, late at night
Summery: Neither sibling can sleep, turns out the same thing was on their minds.
Rating: PG-13 (Abby swears like a sailor sometimes)

Whaddya mean 'what do I think of him'? )

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