April 2011




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Week 34: Monday

Characters: Greg Blair and Abby Theien
Location: By the woodpile.
Summary: Abby sounds Greg out about staying at Grants Pass.
Rating: G

I gather you’d prefer to stay here rather than move on? )


Week 34: Tuesday

Characters: Analise and Andrew Kirke, Gregory Blair, Abigail Theien, Michael and Meghan Callahan, and the Traders.
Location: The parlor / Farmhouse
Summary: The sudden cold snap send the traders indoors for most of the day and that evening, the musicians of the "New Vegas Settlement" decide to have a little fun.
Rating: PG-13 for some adult-ish humor.

“Come on, sugar. They’re playing our song!” )


Week 33 - Wednesday Evening

Characters: Abigail Theien and Greg Blair
Location: Abby’s room
Summery: Abby is concerned about the traders arrival, and Greg does his best to soothe her worries.
Rating: G

It’ll be all right Abigail, they’re here to make a profit not to lay waste. )


Week 24 - Saturday Afternoon

Characters: Greg Blair and Abby Theien
Location: The Barn
Summary Greg and Abby become a couple.
Rating PG

The chevalier put aside his fears, took a deep breath, and committed himself to his fate. )


Week 24 - Sunday

Characters: Greg Blair and Abby Theien
Location: The farm, then out on horseback
Rating: PG
Summary: Abby invites Greg to go horseback riding and the two wind up discussing past relationships.

But that was then, in the World Before. Not the Now. )


Week 23: Early Friday Morning

Characters Greg and Abby
Location Farmhouse Parlor
Summary Waking up in the middle of the night, Greg wanders downstairs to find he wasn’t the only one having trouble sleeping.
Rating G

Try and let yourself go to sleep Abigail, the morning will be here all too soon. )


Week 21: Friday

Characters: Abby and Greg
Location: The barn at the farmstead
Summary: Abby notices Greg slip out for some space and joins him. They exchange Christmas gifts and a little more.
Rating: PG

You’ll forgive me of course if I didn’t go through the effort of gift wrapping. )


Week 21: Tuesday

Characters: Greg and Abby
Location: In the woods within sight of the farmstead.
Summary: Greg and Abby scope out the Farm and it's residents.
Rating: PG

They have dogs. That's a good sign. )


Week 20: Friday

Characters: Abby and Greg
Location: Camp, deep in the woods off a North/South road
Summery: Abby runs into a little trouble in the middle of the night--Greg helps, then neither can sleep.
Rating: PG

Why am I picturing George Tekai? )


Week Nineteen - Monday Morning

Characters: Greg and Abby
Location: Campsite 150 miles north of Grants Pass
Summary: Greg starts his day, he and Abby briefly discuss horses.
Rating: G

I used to have horses. )