April 2011




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Week 33 - Friday

Characters: Leo Parker and Orin
Location: Farmstead property
Summary: Orin and Leo get reacquainted and discuss the past and present.
Rating: PG

Leo eyed the other man a second longer. He always did his smoking in private, just so he wouldn’t have to share, and here was Orin not even thinking twice. )


Week 33: Thursday

Characters:Tom, Alice, Evie, and Noah
Location: Farmhouse
Summary: The leaders of the Colony and Evie’s traders make a deal.
Rating: PG

The one with the goods is the one with the power, remember? )


Week 33: Tuesday

Characters: Tom Galloway and Leo Parker
Location: The barn, then Tom's room.
Summary: Leo comes off probation.
Rating: G

'Thanks again' 'You earned it.' )


Week 33: Wednesday

Characters: Greg and Louisa May
Location: The barn
Summary: Greg and Louisa May talk about the traders.
Rating: G

They seem friendly enough sorts. )


Week 33 - Thursday

Characters:Bridget and Evie
Location: Library
Summary: Evie comes by and the two women talk about babies, men, and the future in general.
Rating: PG

‘I prefer living like my children will have to live.’ ‘If that’s the case then you’d better start learning how to use horses and wagons’ )


Week 33 - Friday

Characters: Louisa May and Searle.
Location: Louisa’s trailer.
Summary: Drew suggests going to see the doctor for birth control options, and Searle takes his advice.
Rating: PG to PG-13

Sorry, I … do you know anything about birth control? )


Week 33 - Saturday

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: Jack’s/Molly’s room.
Summary: What looks like a potentially huge blowout brings Jack and Searle closer.
Rating: PG

So it was okay just to ignore her because Searle and Nevaeh were kissing? It wasn't! )


Week 33 - Friday

Characters: Tom and Holly.
Location: Farmhouse hallway.
Summary: Tom wants Holly to explore the world of the shortwave radio, and Holly accepts.
Rating: PG

'Knowledge is power Hol,' the older man opined. )


Week 33 - Monday

Characters:Jack Baker, Greg Blair and Abby Thein
Location: On the grounds
Summary: After weeks of working with the horse, Jack is given free reign over Ginger for the first time.

You mean I get to ride Ginger? Like, for real? )


Week 33 - Saturday

Characters: Jack Baker, Drew Kirke, Jed Bailey
Location: At the river and later in Jack's room
Summary: Jack runs to the river to hide after she sees Searle and Nevaeh together. Drew brings her back to face Jed.
Rating: PG for brief language

''I guess we have to go back now?''...''Yeah. Sorry, hon.'' )


Week 33 - Sunday

Characters: Derek Miller, Meg Callahan, Louisa May Smith
Location: The Doc's trailer
Summary: Meg and Louisa surprise Derek with a birthday celebration
Rating: Strong PG-13 for language

Today’s my birthday? You did this for me? )


Week 33 - Saturday

Characters: Bridget and Louisa May
Location: Bridget’s room
Summary: After seeing she missed breakfast, Louisa May finds Bridget sick in her room.
Rating: PG

Bridget, honey, you do *not* look well. )


Week 33 - Friday

Characters: Drew and Searle.
Location: Drew and Ana’s room.
Summary: Searle is seeking condoms and hopes Drew can help him out.
Rating: PG-13

'Borrow? I’m not sure I’d be wanting condoms back, man.' )


Week 33 - Wednesday

Characters: Bridget and Orin
Location: Trader campsite, then Orin’s camper.
Summary: Bridget and Orin find each other at the trader camp, but Bridget wants to learn more about him this time rather than picking up where they left off.
Rating: PG

I’m more of a learn-as-you-go situational sort of guy mostly. If it’s important, you’ll tell me when I need to know it. )


Week 33 - Wednesday Evening

Characters: Abigail Theien and Greg Blair
Location: Abby’s room
Summery: Abby is concerned about the traders arrival, and Greg does his best to soothe her worries.
Rating: G

It’ll be all right Abigail, they’re here to make a profit not to lay waste. )

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