April 2011




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Week 24 - Thursday afternoon

Characters: Alice and Searle.
Location: The kitchen.
Summary: Searle goes to talk to Bridget, but finds Alice instead. What was supposed to be Searle being “extra nice” to Alice (per orders from Bridget) turns into Searle giving Alice some tough love.
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13 for some words.

'It really sucks to see people you love leave.' )


Week 23 - Wednesday

Characters: Alice and Searle.
Location: Chopping wood near the garage.
Summary: Searle hasn’t seen Alice since she and Jed left for their mini-vacation, so he makes an effort to find her … and her baggage.
Rating: PG-13 for language

'Thank you. For missing me.' )


Week 20 - Tuesday

Characters: Alice and Searle.
Location: The Farm.
Summary: Searle asks Alice about finding a mattress for the crib.
Rating: PG

'Hearing that’s enough of a gift for me.' )


Week 7 - Monday

Characters: Alice and Searle.
Location: Siena Suites.
Summary: Searle shows Alice the haul for the soon-to-be-built greenhouse. They end up talking about Jack instead, then go on to talk about adults versus kids and the society they’re building. As they part ways, Alice gives Searle a new nickname.
Rating: PG

‘‘We’re all a little broken, lookin’ for pieces to make us feel put together and not like junk.’’ )


Week four - Friday

Characters: Alice and Searle.
Location: Siena Suites, Alice's suite.
Summary: Searle is bored. Alice gives him something to do for the good of the colony.

''I'm not sure your girlfriend would appreciate you and me havin' dinner together.'' )