April 2011




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Week Ten - Wednesday

Characters: Bridget and Sam
Location: Near Siena Suites
Summary: Sam and Bridget mourn Luc’s death and discuss the future.
Rating: PG-13

I never thought the day would come where you and Derek agreed on something. )


Week Nine - Saturday

Characters:Sam and Bridget
Location: A supermarket somewhere in Vegas
Summary: Sam and Bridget raid a supermarket and Sam finds out information she wished she hadn't.
Rating: PG-13 for gruesome imagery.

We need to go, in case whoever did this comes back. )


Week Eight - Saturday

Characters: Bridget Mackenzie & Sam Fields
Location: Siena Suites, poolside
Summary: Bridget and Sam discuss their feelings about killing and then move on to religion.
Rating: PG

If praying to Artemis or Dionysus helps you get through the day, who am I to throw stones? )


Week Seven - Wednesday

Characters: Sam Field, Bridget Mackenzie, Derek Miller
Location: First the Suites and later Home Depot
Summary: Determined to start composting, Sam and Bridget head for a home improvement store where they find Derek. After some initial uneases, they suggest a bargain.
Rating: PG - nothing too bad here

There's a lot of things that need to be built ... and I'd be willing to barter with you, for the help, at any rate. )


Week Six - Saturday

Characters: Bridget Mackenzie & Samantha Fields
Location: Siena Suites, Lobby then Sam's suite
Summary: Bridget lends a hand when Sam returns from a raid. They discuss the past and their likely futures.
Rating: PG for language and adult topics

The only gods I believe in anymore are Mother Nature and Father Science. If a higher power really exists then I want nothing to do with them. )