April 2011




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Week 34 - Thursday

Characters: Jack and Searle; NPCs: Nevaeh and Whitney
Location: Skate park
Summary: Jack and Nevaeh recruit Searle and Whitney to help clean up a skate park close by the farm. Then they skate and Jack gets overzealous.
Rating PG

All she wanted to do was skate; to feel that nearly flying rush of adrenaline and move until her muscles ached and every thought she had was driven right out of her head. )


Week 34: Wednesday

Characters: Gregory Blair and John James Searle
Location: The farm
Summary: Greg and Searle practice martial arts and talk about the spirit as well as the body.
Rating G

But to sound a bit like a bad kung fu movie: only you can walk the path. )


Week 33 - Friday

Characters: Louisa May and Searle.
Location: Louisa’s trailer.
Summary: Drew suggests going to see the doctor for birth control options, and Searle takes his advice.
Rating: PG to PG-13

Sorry, I … do you know anything about birth control? )


Week 33 - Saturday

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: Jack’s/Molly’s room.
Summary: What looks like a potentially huge blowout brings Jack and Searle closer.
Rating: PG

So it was okay just to ignore her because Searle and Nevaeh were kissing? It wasn't! )


Week 33 - Saturday

Characters: Jack Baker, Drew Kirke, Jed Bailey
Location: At the river and later in Jack's room
Summary: Jack runs to the river to hide after she sees Searle and Nevaeh together. Drew brings her back to face Jed.
Rating: PG for brief language

''I guess we have to go back now?''...''Yeah. Sorry, hon.'' )


Week 33 - Friday

Characters: Drew and Searle.
Location: Drew and Ana’s room.
Summary: Searle is seeking condoms and hopes Drew can help him out.
Rating: PG-13

'Borrow? I’m not sure I’d be wanting condoms back, man.' )


Weeks 25-32

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: Outside the house.
Summary: Jack decides she wants to talk to Searle again in hopes they can make up, but it doesn't go as smoothly as either of them want.
Rating: PG

'You’re still my best friend,' she sighed. 'I promised.' )

Characters: Greg and Searle
Location: Barn.
Summary: Searle goes into the barn to be alone, but finds Greg instead.
Rating: PG

'Show me someone who has never ‘messed up in the past’ and I’ll show you someone who’s either never tried, is a liar, or a robot.' )


Weeks 25-32

Characters: Derek Miller and John Searle
Location: Worksite on the farm
Summary: Searle's having a hard time and Derek finds him upset
Rating: R for language
Date: Early week 27

Do you ever feel like you’re all alone? Like, even with everyone here? )


Week 24 - Saturday

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: Farmhouse, by the front door.
Summary: Searle decides he needs to end make out time with Jack, and it doesn’t go well.
Rating: PG

'And now we don’t have to worry anymore.' )


Week 24 - Friday

Characters: Jed and Searle.
Location: Farm grounds.
Summary: Jed seeks Searle out to talk about his involvement with Jack.
Rating: PG

'You hurt her, I hurt you. That’s how it’s gonna work.' )


Week 24 - Thursday afternoon

Characters: Alice and Searle.
Location: The kitchen.
Summary: Searle goes to talk to Bridget, but finds Alice instead. What was supposed to be Searle being “extra nice” to Alice (per orders from Bridget) turns into Searle giving Alice some tough love.
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13 for some words.

'It really sucks to see people you love leave.' )


Week 24 - Thursday morning

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: The attic.
Summary: Jack and Searle discuss their talks with Tom and work past a few concerns they both have, but end up on good terms.
Rating: PG

'When we’re kissing, I don’t think about much.' / 'Well, neither do I, dummy.' )


Week 24 - Thursday Morning

Characters: Bridget and Searle
Location: The farmhouse kitchen
Summary: Bridget is eating a late breakfast when Searle stops by to chat - and feel her up.
Rating: PG

Can I feel them? )


Week 24 - Wednesday evening

Characters: Tom and Searle.
Location: On the farm grounds, then in Tom and Searle’s room.
Summary: Tom makes good on a promise to punish Searle for forgetting his guard duty, and afterward they talk about Jack and the consequences of being intimate.
Rating: PG-13

'We’ve treated you as an adult because you’ve been very mature for your age and you’ve been doing an adult’s work. Were we wrong to do that?' )


Week 24 - Wednesday evening

Characters: Jack, Tom and Searle.
Location: Tom and Searle’s shared room.
Summary: Searle and Jack are still sneaking around so they can kiss, but they lose track of time and Tom finds them.
Rating: PG-13

'...late at night, in bed alone, just the two of you?' He shook his head. 'It’s very easy to go from ‘not doing anything’ to ‘doing everything’.' )

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