April 2011




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Week 23 - Sunday

Characters: Alice Munroe and Jack Baker, with appearances by Jed Bailey
Location: The farmhouse
Summary: Jack is being a nuisance. Alice is getting fed up. Jed manages to come in at the nick of time, but not without causing some upset of his own that Alice won’t fess up to.
Rating: PG-13

“Y’got something y’wanna say to me, Jack? ‘Cuz really. I’m all ears. Tell me how you really feel.” )


Week 19 - Friday

Characters: Jack Baker, Jed Bailey and Alice Munroe
Location: Out on the grounds and then later the parlor
Summary: Jack falls out of a tree
Rating: PG for broken bones and medical procedures

Hey! Anyone there? We need some help here! )


Week Six - Friday

Characters: Jack Baker, Jed Bailey, Alice Munroe and Derek Miller
Location: Nevada State Museum
Summary: Jack sneaks into the meeting where Alice lays down the law and offers her a choice. Later, Derek shows up with payment for the water he received last time but a warning about potential danger is misconstrued and violence nearly erupts.
Rating: PG-13 for strong language and violent imagery

This has gone on far enough, Jacklyn Baker )


Week Six - Wednesday

Characters: Jack Baker, Jed Bailey, Alice Munroe
Location: Nevada State Museum meeting
Summary: After Drew and Molly leave, an argument erupts between Jack and Jed
Rating: B for you're not the boss of me

Grab a seat, Jack, and get comfy, 'cause your gonna stay in that seat 'til we get home. )


Characters: Alice Munroe, Jack Baker, Jed Bailey (and Rocky)
Location: A park in Jack's neighborhood
Summary: Jed brings Alice to meet Jack. There are awkward introductions, heated arguments, and Jack finally agrees that maybe living with Jed would be a good idea.
Rating: PG

Let her navigate. She'll probably end up doing everything you want her to do, but just let her do it when she wants to. That's any woman ever, preteen or otherwise. )