April 2011




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Characters: Louisa May and Derek
Location: Louisa May's house in Medford
Summary: Louisa May and Derek have a rather pleasant after-dinner talk.
Rating: PG-13 for swears

No offense, Derek, but you are definitely not my type. )


Week 21: Wednesday

DREW: This is GP. What's up, Doc? )


Week 21 - very early Wednesday morning

Characters: Derek Miller and Tom Galloway
Location: Farm house
Summary: Tom gets up early to find out what Derek has against the Sevens
Rating: Strong PG-13 for language

It sounded like you have some history with them and I’d like to know what it is. )


Week 21: Tuesday

Characters: Tom, Alice, and Derek
Location: The farm
Summary: Immediately after the group meeting, Tom and Alice take Derek aside to discuss Leo.
Rating: PG

Let me do my job and do it my way. You don’t like it you can either try and get the others to vote me out or you can leave. Your choice. )


Week 21 - Monday

Characters: Derek and Bridget
Location: The Farmhouse, Bridget’s room.
Summary Derek brings by a box of books and Bridget learns about a different side of him.

It didn’t seem like the type of civilization Bridget wanted to preserve worked on a small scale. )


Week 20 - Thursday

Characters: Derek Miller and Tom Galloway
Location: Derek's room
Summary: Tom wants to talk to Derek about the fight. It doesn't go nearly so well as his conversation with Jed.
Rating: PG-13 for language

If Derek became a source of conflict amongst the group then Tom would have to see what he could do to make sure that source was removed. )


Week 20 -Thursday

Characters: Derek and Jed, then Tom
Location: The Farm
Summary: After coming back from the doctor’s, Derek and Jed get to work on the barn only to hit on a sore topic. Feeling pretty low, Derek goads Jed into a brawl, which Tom very firmly breaks up.
Rating: PG-13 for blood, language, and setting a bad example

“So you gonna get some cougar action or what?”  )


Week 20: Saturday

Characters: Meghan and Derek
Location: The barn
Summery: For the first time since several days, Meg and Derek can't avoid each other any longer.
Rating: PG

Look, just so you know, I’m not going to say anything. )


Week 20 - Thursday

Characters: Derek Miller and Louisa May Smith
Location: The doctor's
Summary: Derek teaches the good doctor how to use a CB and delivers a warning
Rating: PG-13 for language

You doing all right here? Had any trouble? )



Characters: Tom, Jed, Derek, and Dr. Louisa May Smith
Location: Just Northeast of Medford
Summary: The raiding party stumbles into Louisa May's backyard. After a brief standoff, they meet their "new" Medford neighbor, who happens to be a doctor.
Rating: PG-13 for language

It’d been a few months since she’d had a brush with civilization, and she supposed this was the price you had to pay for neighbors that wouldn’t kill you on sight. )


Week 19: Saturday

Characters: Alice, Tom, Bridget, Jed, Drew, and Derek.
Location: The garage / Farmstead
Summary: The raiders get ready to pile out. Derek is pissy because he hasn't had his nap. Tom decides to target Bridget, who doesn't appreciate it. Jed and Drew generally feel awkward. Alice asks herself why she even bothers.
Rating: PG-13 for swearing.

“And this is why we have meetings before we go.” )


Week nineteen - Thursday

Characters: Derek and Holly.
Location: The Farm, kitchen and living room.
Summary: Holly notices the state of Derek’s hair and offers to help him out.
Rating: PG-13 for language.

'If I let you, you better not fuck my shit up. And you better not hit on me, either.' )


Week 19: Wednesday

Characters: Meg and Derek
Location: Derek’s room, late at night
Summery: Both still uncertain about how to proceed, Meg finds Derek to talk
Rating: PG

The situation was...unresolved. )


Week 19 - Tuesday

Characters: Meg Callahan and Derek Miller
Location:: The Farmhouse Porch and Livingroom respectively
Summary: Derek and Meg fight during guard duty but when he reveals he plans to leave the group, they find more to like about each other than they thought.
Rating: K for kissing

''Don’t leave...'' It was a plea, straight out and honest.... )


Week 18 - Saturday

Characters: Derek Miller and Meg Callahan
Location: Outside, at the busted fence.
Summary: Meg brings Derek lunch and they bicker as usual until the conversation takes an unexpected twist.
Rating: PG-13 for language and violent imagery.

Y’know, that sparkling personality never gets old, Cupcake. )

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