Posts Tagged: 'carol+danvers+%28mcu%29'

Jul. 9th, 2019




Pancho's is closed until further notice. Sorry folks.

Private to Peter B. Parker

Sorry I didn't give you the heads up on this one. Are you feeling like shit, by the way?



So... Several of you lot seem to have come down with something... You are powerful people. Will the rest of us be safe? Will you be safe?

Miss Carol, are you quite all right?

Jul. 8th, 2019



I've nearly exhausted my supply of Pepper Up Potion, but I'm feeling a bit better... Even though my magic is wonky and I can't seem to fly For those of you who are still feeling ill, I can bring you some. Just let me know if you're interested.



Well. I'm alive and well. Sorry for those of you who are ill.


What can I do to help?


How are you doing? Need anything?


How are you doing kid?
Did this illness get to you?

Jul. 6th, 2019



Ugh, my throat feels like sandpaper. I need a lozenge.

Jul. 5th, 2019


Hey, everyone,

New month, new Starklandia project. Tony Sr.'s been doing an admirable job getting the medical center stocked over time, but as we all know: emergencies and injuries are never things you plan, and it's always better to know as much as you can before one starts kicking.

To that end: it'd be useful to have a medical history on file for everyone.

I understand that for some of us, these feel like very private things, so if you're only comfortable giving bare bones, that's completely fine. They of course won't be widely circulated; this is for everyone's personal protection. I'll keep them on file and if we ever establish a medical staff, share it there.

I'd suggest starting with blood type, any known allergens, any medication you have been on or would need to avoid, major illnesses, and prior surgical history for those of you with basic human biology. For those with alternate considerations, whatever you know your most urgent needs would be in an emergency where you didn't have the ability to communicate them, please start there.

If anyone has questions or wants help writing things up, I'm in the library all day.

As ever - thanks for the time.

Jul. 6th, 2019



Is there a doctor in the house?

Jul. 4th, 2019



I know one thing for certain and that is that this is most definitely not Heaven.

Would anyone be able to tell me where I am and perhaps when?

Thank you ever so much.

Jul. 2nd, 2019



Okay, quick announcement. Mayor Stark is throwing a 4th of July/Birthday shindig because we don't have enough of those this Thursday.

There's going to be a baseball came Thursday, but I realize a lot of you might not know the rules or even what baseball is. There'll be a quick review of the game tonight at Pancho's for anyone who wants to play on Thursday (we need as many of you as possible). Just show up if you're interested. Or if you have any pointers.

Let me know if you guys have questions!


Okay, I've posted a roster at Pancho's if you're interested in the teams. I tried to be random and fair, but let me know if you have any questions!

Private to Clint

Can you get us cake? We need cake for the big event and you seem to be the go-to

Private to Klaus and Nyx

Can you boys find snacks, hotdogs, hotdog buns, and baseball equipment? I know it's short notice.

Jul. 1st, 2019



You know what's weird? This is the first time in a decade I've even remembered the 4th of July was a thing.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone else have that holiday where they come from? Because I'm thinking we need hotdogs and fireworks.

And a baseball game.

Mayor Stark, make it happen.



So... hypothetically speaking... if I was to open a deli to make sandwiches like, three hours a day or so? Would people be interested in that sort of thing?

Jun. 27th, 2019



Okay, we need to find some new dvds. I've been through the entire collection about a half dozen times now, and if I have to watch Titanic, Cool Runnings, Forrest Gump, or the 3rd season of Friends again I think I'll go absolutely insane.

Are there any other movies, tv shows, or games out there that people are willing to share?

Jun. 26th, 2019



And here I'd hoped thought a good nap might sort all this out. Should have known better.

What are we supposed to do to stay busy around here?

[ooc: it is absolutely IC to say he's been napping or otherwise indisposed as long as I've been busy. Sorry for that- I should be back now!]

Jun. 20th, 2019


Was there ever group consensus on what you feed a Pokémon if you accidentally acquired one?

Jun. 18th, 2019



This is crazy.

I just got back from time traveling, before that I was in the quantum realm for five years and this place is not where I was or the quantum realm which is hard to explain.

All I know is that my daughter is not here. So who the hell keeps pulling me away from Cassie and what is this place?

And where am I supposed to go now?

Jun. 14th, 2019



Um. If you happen to notice a large... sleeping... Snorlax and it's in the way. Let me know. He's really nice... just sleeps a lot.

He likes apples and most fruits.
He likes actually most food in general.

Anyway! He spends most of the time in the backyard of my house, but he may venture off.


Jun. 13th, 2019



So is everyone getting one of these things? I'm starting to feel left out.

Okay, now that I'm back on my feet, anyone wanna go through the doors with me? I heard they have a beach.



You lot are all talking about these cute little creatures you went out and got, good as any dog or cat or whatever else, yeah?

So I go out and look (like you do) and you're all right, of course. They're these adorable little fucks, every last one of them. Little lizards and fish things and birds with wings literally made of clouds, and I thought. Wow. Presh.

Never been a pet person myself. Just never seemed like a thing I want, no matter how cute.

So of course this absolute bloody demon follows me home.

Think I'll call him Chas.

Jun. 10th, 2019



The clothing store will still be called Van Dyne's, in case anyone was wondering.

open to all / private from clint barton

We've got another birthday coming up and it's my turn to fall on the sword, as it were, for purposes of planning. Clint's is in a week.

I want to do something a little different for him, and also so we don't all OD on parties. I'm thinking outdoor movie screening, since the weather's been nice lately. He wanted beer and Blade Runner for his birthday. Beer I know we've got, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy of the movie back when he first mentioned it, but if anyone's inclined to help me figure out how to rig up a way to play it on the side of one of the buildings with decent audio so everyone can see and hear, I'd be grateful.

I wouldn't mind some help rounding up popcorn, assorted other movie-type snacks, blankets to spread out on the grass - anything to make it a low key fun summer night for everyone to enjoy.

I can tell you the back of the box summarizes the plot as "In a cyberpunk vision of the future, man has developed the technology to create Replicants - humanoid androids with short, fixed lifespans - which are illegal on Earth but are used in the off-world colonies. Deckard, a Blade Runner - a police officer who specializes in terminating replicants - is assigned to eliminate four escaped Replicants who have returned to Earth."

I can't tell you if it's any good, as I've never seen Blade Runner, and when it comes to our takes on movies, Clint and I are either entirely on the same page or entirely prepared to murder each other for terrible taste, and we have never once reached middle ground between those two options. But regardless, I think it'll be a fun night and I know you all want to show up for the guy with the adorable dog who keeps us all well-supplied in caffeine.