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May. 10th, 2010


Ficlet: Appearances by LD7

Title: Appearances
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: None
Rating: R (non-graphic violence and the warning)
Word Count: 790
Warnings: *character death*
Summary: What if, at the end of book six, Severus Snape was exactly what he appeared to be?
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. I wrote this quite a while ago and never got around to posting it. Torina, darling, here’s your evil!Snape. Hope you’re happy. XD

Appearances )

Apr. 14th, 2010


Art: Long Awaited by LD7

Title: Long Awaited
Artist: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: G
Warning: mpreg
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. This is a belated birthday present for [info]accioslash. Hope you like it, darling. *hugs*

Long Awaited )

Feb. 14th, 2010


Hope Deferred by lemondropseven

Title: Hope Deferred
Artist: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: None, Severus
Rating: G
Warnings: None
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. Thanks to Nix for the epic art beta.
Prompt: #5 Roses, bows and love letters, and other such delusions.

Hope Deferred )

Feb. 13th, 2010


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day by lemondropseven

Title: Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: None (maybe a tissue warning—it’s rather sad)
Summary: Severus’ life after the war is not what he hoped it would be.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. Betaed by [info]whitecotton. Thanks, darling.
Prompt: #3 Severus was going to get his Valentine…one way or another.

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day )

Feb. 7th, 2010


Art for Power by LD7

Title: Art for Power
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Severus/Lucius
Rating: PG (unfortunately)
Warnings: *D/s, collar and leash*
Summary: Read Power.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. The fabulous [info]calanor suggested some art was necessary to go along with the drabble. It's probably not as... explicit as she hoped it would be, but I like it. ;)

Art for Power )

Jan. 10th, 2010


Drabble and Drawble: Gift by LD7

Title: Gift
Author/Artist: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Snarry, implied Severus/Harry/Draco
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None. Despite the way it looks and sounds, this is NOT non/dub-con. Draco is happy to be there, he's just feisty and likes a little pain. ;)
Summary: Harry gives Severus a gift for his birthday.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. Written for Severus' 50th birthday. The drawble shows you what Severus sees in the drabble. ;)
Prompt: Severus opened his eyes, but it was a few seconds before what he was seeing registered with him.

Gift )


Make Believe by LD7

Title: Make Believe
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,400
Warnings: None, but y’all should know me enough by now to know it’s probably not going to be fluffy or have a happy ending.
Summary: Severus makes a vow.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. Thanks to [info]joanwilderfor the beta. :) Written for Severus’ 50th Birthday (even though it’s late.)
Prompt: Well, it started off as a response to prompt 3: Severus sat back in his chair and surveyed the world they had created. He was satisfied. But it ended up with prompt 2: Severus looked back over his shoulder to see the path of his life stretched behind him. But even though it was clear, how had it lead him here? So, you get two for the price of one. ;)

Make Believe )

Jan. 4th, 2010


Art: Kiss by LD7

Title: Kiss (not terribly creative, am I?)
Artist: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. This is the art I included in my Holiday cards for those who were on the 'anything goes' list. Hope you all liked it. :)

Kiss )

Dec. 14th, 2009


Angel of Death by LD7

Title: Angel of Death
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 355
Warnings: *Minor OC character death, slightly dark*
Summary: Voldemort has an assignment for Severus.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. Betaed by [info]whitecotton. Thanks, darlin’.

Angel of Death )

Dec. 10th, 2009


Cat!Harry by LD7

Art: Cat!Harry
Artist: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Warning: Nudity, but not explicit.
A/N: Somebody mentioned Cat!Harry on the group a little while back...this is what happened. :)

Cat!Harry )

Dec. 6th, 2009


Berta's B-day Present by LD7

Art: Untitled Artist: [info]lemondropseven Pairing: None Rating: PG, Torina!safe Warnings: None A/N: Happy birthday, Berta!! I went with naked Severus and green ribbons from your prompts...although, it's not a green ribbon, I figure you'd give me some leeway. ;) Edit: [info]calanor wrote a wonderful story to go with my pic. *squee* You can find it here. Berta's B-day Present )

Nov. 29th, 2009


Harry Potter, A Fairy Tale by LD7

Title: Harry Potter, A Fairy Tale
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: G...really, really G.
Word Count: 275
Warnings: None...really, really none.
Summary: Read the title. *points up*
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company…sometimes I wish I didn’t own my brain when it comes up with stuff like this. [info]torina_archelda asked for something to make her happy. This was my first 4:30am, so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. ;)

Harry Potter, A Fairy Tale )


Bloodlust by LD7

Title: Bloodlust
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: None.
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,039
Warnings: bloodplay, cutting
Summary: Severus indulges himself during a stay at Azkaban.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. Thanks to [info]atypicalsnowman for the beta. :) Written for kink!night at Severus Sighs. A little late for kink!night, but I wasn't totally satisfied with my first one...and I didn't think anyone would complain about more smut. ;)
Prompts: Azkaban, bloodplay, red

Bloodlust )

Nov. 26th, 2009


In My Dreams by LD7

Title: In My Dreams
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,055
Warnings: Chan (14-16), Somnophilia
Summary: Strange dreams help Harry deal with the losses in his life.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. Betaed by [info]whitecotton. Thanks, love. Written for Kink!night at Severus Sighs.
Prompts: Harry’s bedroom at the Dursley’s, somnophilia, and silence.

In My Dreams )

Nov. 21st, 2009


Drabble: Wind by LD7

Title: Wind
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Warnings: *Character death*
Summary: Severus makes a decision.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. Beta by [info]torina_archelda. Playing around in 2nd person pov again. And I'm sorry in advance; I was depressed. Still am, actually. 

Wind )

Nov. 20th, 2009


Accident by lemondropseven

Title: Accident
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Warnings: *Character death*
Summary: It wasn't Severus' fault.
A/N: I don't own Harry Potter and company. Betaed by [info]atypicalsnowman. Written for snow's spur-of-the-moment mini-challenge

Accident )

Nov. 17th, 2009


Escape by lemondropseven

Title Escape
Author: lemondropseven
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None
Summary: [info]torina_archelda and I decided to each write a drabble based on the prompt: Severus becomes addicted to potions to cope during/after the war. This is my response. Hers can be found here.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. Unbetaed. I wanted to try this pov, because it’s almost never done. Let me know if it works. :-)

Escape )

Nov. 7th, 2009


Drabble: Good Times

Title: Good Times
Author: lemondropseven
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: G
Word Count: 517
Warnings: None
Summary: Harry comes home to a surprise. EWE, Est. relationship, fluff.
A/N: For the sweet Torina, who is about the only person I will write fluff for. Hope this makes you smile, love. Thanks to my mom for the title. Unbetaed. I don’t own anything recognizable.

Oct. 28th, 2009


Severus Sighs Challenge: Defeated in Victory

Title: Defeated in Victory Author: lemondropseven
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,100
Warnings: *Character death*
Summary: The price of victory.
A/N: [info]whitecotton is a goddess among betas. Thanks, darling. I do not own the Harry Potter universe. This is the full-length version of my Anniversary drabble, "Victory" and the answer to the Inner Severus Sighs Challenge.

Defeated in Victory )

Oct. 15th, 2009


Snucius: A Gift for WhiteCotton

Happy Birthday, love, hope it's a good one. *hugs*

Art: Snucius
Full-sized NC-17 art on my LJ page
Rated G icons.
icons )

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