September 29th, 2011

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

Happy Third Anniversary!

Today we celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of Severus *Sighs*!


To celebrate, we will present the House Cup 2010-2011, the results of which were quite surprising this year. For once, Gryffindor won't be winning the House Cup. *mind boggles*

The lovely art you see above you was provided by the beautiful and talented [info]veridari. Thank you for being a part of our anniversary celebration, darling.

Read a message from the Webmistresses )

Members, you are now free to post your responses to our Anniversary Drabble Challenge.

Let the drabbles begin!

[info]bertas in [info]severus_sighs

Blood Oath by BertaS

Title: Blood Oath
Author: BertaS
Date Written: Sept. 2011
Pairing: Severus / Harry
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None
Summary: A drabble written for the Third Anniversary Challenge at Severus Sighs, Prompt #4: Seducing the enemy.
A/N: Un-beta-ed. The Oath part of this has been sitting in my unfinished thoughts file for a long time. This seemed to be the way to use it.
Disclaimer: Never fry bacon naked. What? No one said it had to have anything to do with my drabble. *Grin*

Blood Oath )

[info]veridari in [info]severus_sighs

SeverusBear and his Lieutenants

Title: SeverusBear and his Lieutenants
Artist: [info]veridari
Pairing: SeverusBear, LuciusBear, HarryBear, HermioneBear, and RemusBear (with a cameo by Hedwig)
Rating: so G it's squeaky
Warnings: overuse of cuteness; possibly sickenly so - you have been forewarned, people!
Summary: SeverusBear was fully prepared to defend himself against the Wizengamot. Then LuciusBear bought his way out and tried to repay him for helping DracoBear. HarryBear refused to leave his side, and with HarryBear came his miserable, do-gooder friends. Next thing you know, SeverusBear is free and surrounded by the unreasonably obstinate individuals the press laughingly refers to as, "SeverusBears' Lieutenants!"
A/N: Officially requested by [info]starduchess and firmly seconded by [info]atypicalsnowman and [info]roozetter, that alas, I could not refuse. Besides, being a Hufflepuff through and through, I had to throw my hat into the ring. \0/ (And thanks to [info]roozetter for the ingenious summary!)

SeverusBear and his Lieutenants )

November 2017



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