July 19th, 2010

[info]torina_archelda in [info]severus_sighs

New Beginnings by Torina Archelda

Title: New Beginnings
Author: [info]torina_archelda
Pairing: Severus/Lucius, possible Severus/Harry
Rating: G
Word Count: 350
Warnings: none
Theme: Love and Courtship
Prompt: What’s love got to do with it?
Summary: Harry helps Severus when he’s in need.
A/N: Bad fic is bad. I was interrupted several times while writing it, and I think I lost the flow. Ah well—couldn’t let the challenge pass by without trying to commemorate it ^^

New Beginnings )

[info]challenge_mod in [info]severus_sighs

Friends Locked Posts

Can't see [info]lilyseyes' lovely fic? Be sure to join the site in order to enjoy all the NC-17 fic and art!

The Grand Challenge Team

[info]mrscake in [info]severus_sighs

Author: Mrs Cake
Title: The Quest
Characters/Pairings: Severus/?/?
Rating: M
Kinks/Themes Included: Dub con, 3 some, bondage, toys, voyeurism
Other Warnings: only betaed by me so may have mistakes
Word Count: 725 (i can't write very short one's sorry)
Summary/Description: Someone has a quest to make Severus Scream

The Quest )

[info]conzieu in [info]severus_sighs

If You Loved Me By Conzieu

Title: If you loved me
Author: [info]conzieu
Pairing: Severus and Harry
Rating: NC 17, mild.
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: EWE, American spelling.
Theme: Quest
Prompt: The night falls on the shadows
Summary: After the battle of Hogwarts, Harry’s nights are haunted by dreams of Snape.
A/N: Written with a wink to [info]lovetoseverus and a big thank-you for her wonderful beta work. Mrs. Rowling, no thievery is intended.

If you loved me )

[info]challenge_mod in [info]severus_sighs

Love Quest by Bielol

Title: Love Quest
Artist: [info]bielol
Pairing: Severus and ?
Rating: G
Medium: clay and ceramic paint
Warnings: none
Theme: Quest
Prompt: What’s love got to do with it
Summary: Severus is sitting on a luggage reading a letter. The letter was a cause that started his quest. Who wrote the letter? And where is he going? And what's love got to do with it?

Love Quest )

November 2017



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