February 7th, 2010

[info]lemondropseven in [info]severus_sighs

Art for Power by LD7

Title: Art for Power
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Severus/Lucius
Rating: PG (unfortunately)
Warnings: *D/s, collar and leash*
Summary: Read Power.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company. The fabulous [info]calanor suggested some art was necessary to go along with the drabble. It's probably not as... explicit as she hoped it would be, but I like it. ;)

Art for Power )

[info]sexyseverus in [info]severus_sighs

Finally Fifty by Kyrie

Title: Finally Fifty
Author: Kyrie
Rating: PG… nah, probably G
Word Count: 1970
Pairing: Severus/0FC
Warnings: Het & Fluff Overdose Possible
Disclaimer: I don’t own Severus, although I wish I did. All Harry Potter characters are property of J K Rowling. Kyrie and her children are the only thing that is mine. And my cat would dispute even that.
Prompt: SeverusSighs Birthday Challenge for Severus’ fiftieth birthday prompt # 3. Severus sat back in his chair and surveyed the world they had created. He was satisfied.
Betas: lovetoseverus and Abigail
A/N: I need to take the time to thank both Abigail and lovetoseverus for betaing this bit of fluff. And to thank lovetoseverus for her suggestions as to how to better wrap up the ending as well as the title. Also, I want to remind you that I stole the name Kyrie from this character, who had been created for another fic. She came first, and so, is not in any way, shape, or form meant to be a Mary Sue.
Finally Fifty )

November 2017



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