Daily Scans
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:[<< Previous 20 entries]
04:36 am [dr_hermes]
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"I'm sorry, Dr Pym, but that helmet makes you look like, well an ant!" From 1963, TALES TO ASTONISH# 35. Plot by Stan Lee and script by Larry Lieber, pencils by Jack Kirby and inks by Dick Ayers.
Here's another example of Jack Kirby's knack for designing whacky gadgets that seem plausible. Most of his gizmos have their own logic to them if you look at how they're supposed to work. Ant-Man's helmet looks like an ant's head, with the antennae and the part in front that resembles an ant's mandibles. As the diagram shows, it was functional and yet the design not only made Henry Pym recognizably Ant-Man, it may even have been supposed to have fooled the ants to a small exent. I don't know how much they rely on eyesight, but they do have large functional eyes after all.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, creator: jack kirby
02:48 pm [bluefall]
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Mighty #30 From this week's MIGHTY AVENGERS, the further adventures of Pym Beyond the Macroverse.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: eternity, creator: dan slott, title: mighty avengers
04:21 pm [thogrim]
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The story of Ultron Mark 12...
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: ultron, creator: steve englehart, group: avengers, title: west coast avengers
08:56 pm [neuhallidae]
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We need some more awesome up in here! Which, of course, means it's time for a Marvel Adventures: Avengers dump of...uh... roughly 20 pages or so from 14 issues. First off, we have the MA:A appearance of the ones, the onlies, the Agents of Atlas!
And now, some assorted bits.
And, finally, a little ditty I like to call "Defeat By Squishing!"
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: black panther/t'challa, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: gorilla man/ken hale, char: hulk/bruce banner, char: iron man/tony stark, char: jimmy woo, char: ka-zar, char: m-11, char: mama cage, char: marvel boy/the uranian/robert gray, char: odin, char: power man/luke cage, char: quicksilver/pietro maximoff, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: storm/ororo munroe, char: thor, char: tigra/greer grant, char: wasp/janet van dyne, creator: jeff parker, creator: ty templeton, group: agents of atlas, group: avengers, publisher: marvel comics, title: marvel adventures, title: marvel adventures avengers
11:33 pm [proteus_lives]
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So, you thought Pym/Jocasta couldn't get any creepier? You thought wrong! Greetings True Believers! I bring you two scans from The Mighty Avengers #29. Well, we've seen some creepy moments from Hank Pym and Jocasta but this may take the cake. That and Jarvis almost loses his shit below the cut. Enjoy!
( Read more... )
Current Location: Outer Dark Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: edwin jarvis, char: jocasta, group: avengers, publisher: marvel comics, title: mighty avengers
10:01 am [seriousfic]
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These are a few of my favorite things...
When Batgirl 1 bites When Jeph Loeb writes When I'm feeling sad I simply read MA Avengers And then I don't feel so bad
Alright, so I read through some Marvel Adventures Avengers as research for a Peter/MJ story (Plug! So cheap!) and here are a few things I now know I love.
Tags: char: abomination/emil blonsky, char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: iron man/tony stark, char: ka-zar, char: leader/samuel sterns, char: mama cage, char: power man/luke cage, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: storm/ororo munroe, char: super-skrull, char: tigra/greer grant, char: wasp/janet van dyne, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, group: avengers, publisher: marvel comics, title: marvel adventures, title: marvel adventures avengers, title: mini marvels
04:14 pm [colonel_green]
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Who'd have thought so many people would fuss over the Scarlet Witch?
Four scans from Mighty Avengers #28.
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: hercules/marvel, char: loki, char: patriot/eli bradley, char: stature/cassie lang, char: vision/jonas, char: wiccan/billy kaplan, creator: christos gage, creator: dan slott, creator: khoi pham, publisher: marvel comics, title: mighty avengers
10:08 pm [neuhallidae]
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"The Child is Father To..." or, "So many levels of EW." Gather 'round, chilluns, it's storytime.
I was originally intending to post some Christian-comic cheese, but having the memory of this brought up made me insistent on sharing the pain, especially since the original S_D went bust and took this with it. Thus, I bring you the story of how Carol Danvers gave birth to her own rapist, featuring pages and partial pages from Avengers #197-200*.
*Issue 200: Roughly 10 1/2 of 35 story pages.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: iron man/tony stark, char: jocasta, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, char: scarlet witch/wanda maximoff, char: thor, char: vision, char: wasp/janet van dyne, char: wonder man/simon williams, creator: david michelinie, creator: george perez, creator: jim shooter, group: avengers, in-joke: what were they thinking?, publisher: marvel comics, title: avengers
01:51 pm [zechs27]
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Positive Comic Week- Marvel Adventures Avengers
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: galactus, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: mama cage, char: odin, char: power man/luke cage, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: storm/ororo munroe, char: thor, char: tigra/greer grant, char: wasp/janet van dyne, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, publisher: marvel comics, series: positive comics week, title: marvel adventures, title: marvel adventures avengers
07:31 pm [neuhallidae]
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Jan's bad luck with stalkers, part three. Or, really, a corollary to part two, because I'm an idjit and had somehow totally forgotten about this.
So, when I said that there were no major stalkery incidents between David Cannon and Janet van Dyne between the times of Marvel Features and issue 71 of Avengers Volume Three, I was totally neglecting an important one. Namely, Cannon's kidnapping attempt after Jan's divorce from Hank and Hank's later imprisonment.
Two pages and two panels from Avengers #222.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: she-hulk/jennifer walters, char: wasp/janet van dyne, char: whirlwind/david cannon, group: avengers, publisher: marvel comics, title: avengers
03:52 pm [neuhallidae]
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Nobody does retcons like Immortus does retcons! Matt Fraction on Invincible Iron Man's next story arc after "World's Most Wanted" concludes in October.
Also, Tony's last major retcon, as told by one of Immortus' Space Phantoms through four and 3/4 pages of Avengers Forever #8.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: captain marvel/genis-vell, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: immortus/kang the conqueror, char: iron man/tony stark, char: songbird/melissa gold, char: wasp/janet van dyne, creator: kurt busiek, creator: matt fraction
02:48 pm [colonel_green]
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Love Among The Nazis, and other stories.
Three scans from Captain America: Reborn #2, and three from Captain America #600.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: black widow/natasha romanova, char: captain america/bucky barnes, char: crossbones/brock rumlow, char: green goblin/norman osborn, char: mr. fantastic/reed richards, char: sharon carter, char: sin/synthia schmidt, creator: bryan hitch, creator: ed brubaker, creator: michael lark, publisher: marvel comics
11:56 pm [paledevil]
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Green Lantern Power! (+ one page from Marvel Adventures Superheroes #10) Hi there! I'm a long term lurker, First time poster. Just tell me if I'm doing this right. :)
Current Location: Desk Current Mood: chipper Current Music: Adam & the Ants - Goodie Two Shoes Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: green lantern/hal jordan, publisher: dc comics, title: marvel adventures, title: marvel adventures superheroes
02:29 pm [colonel_green]
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The New Digs
Four scans from Mighty Avengers #27.
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: edwin jarvis, char: hercules/marvel, char: jocasta, char: loki, char: stature/cassie lang, char: vision/jonas, creator: dan slott, creator: khoi pham, publisher: marvel comics, title: mighty avengers
01:44 am [neuhallidae]
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Proud and insolent youth, prepare to meet thy doom. I love Avengers: Fairy Tales in so many ways, but by far, my favorite thing about the miniseries is Claire Wendling's gorgeous art on the covers.
ETA: Added four assorted pages from the Peter Pan story, because it had my favorite of the art styles.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: black panther/t'challa, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: iron man/tony stark, char: quicksilver/pietro maximoff, char: scarlet witch/wanda maximoff, char: she-hulk/jennifer walters, char: stature/cassie lang, char: thor, char: tigra/greer grant, char: ultron, char: vision, char: wasp/janet van dyne, creator: claire wendling, group: avengers
03:04 pm [colonel_green]
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The Seventh Sign
Two comics with Bryan Hitch art came out this week, surely signalling some imminent cataclysm: three scans from Captain America: Reborn #1 and four from Fantastic Four #568.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: ares/marvel, char: black widow/natasha romanova, char: captain america/bucky barnes, char: falcon/sam wilson, char: mr. fantastic/reed richards, char: sharon carter, char: vision/jonas, creator: bryan hitch, creator: ed brubaker, creator: mark millar, publisher: marvel comics
03:29 pm [perletwo]
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Hank Pym's "One Perfect Moment" of Self-Actualization We had a request for this in the new monthly thread, so I'm sneaking it in under the wire. Here we have 2 1/2 pages from Avengers #229, my crops but not my scans. The setup: For months and months Egghead and the Masters of Evil have been running Hank Pym around like a wind-up toy, and forced him to work on a longevity machine for Egghead.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: egghead/elihas starr, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: moonstone/ms. marvel/karla sofen, char: radioactive man/chen lu, char: tiger shark/todd arliss, creator: al milgrom, creator: joe sinnott, creator: roger stern, group: avengers, group: masters of evil, title: avengers
02:33 pm [neuhallidae]
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Speaking of Stalkers... I had a little mental debate whether to post this or not, because God, I hate the art of the second issue something fierce. But after doing that Marvel Adventures post with Stalker!Josten flinging a Quinjet at Jan's head, it might be an interesting contrast to see how Stalker!Cannon does things.
Scans from Marvel Feature #6, and Avengers vol 3, #71.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: wasp/janet van dyne, char: whirlwind/david cannon, creator: geoff johns, publisher: marvel comics, title: avengers
11:50 pm [neuhallidae]
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Giant Ants! Or: "Different Universe, Same Love-Life Problem."
I wanted to post this for two reasons: 1) MA!Hank and Jan are adorable, and 2) giant ants.
Scans from Marvel Adventures: Avengers, #20.
( Stalkers, Quinjets, and SUV-Sized Ants, oh, my! )
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: wasp/janet van dyne, title: marvel adventures, title: marvel adventures avengers
02:09 pm [colonel_green]
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Nerd vs. Nerd
Four scans from Mighty Avengers #25.
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: hercules/marvel, char: human torch/johnny storm, char: invisible woman/susan storm, char: jocasta, char: mr. fantastic/reed richards, char: stature/cassie lang, char: the thing/ben grimm, char: vision/jonas, creator: dan slott, creator: stephen segovia, publisher: marvel comics, title: mighty avengers
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