Two comics with Bryan Hitch art came out this week, surely signalling some imminent cataclysm: three scans from Captain America: Reborn #1 and four from Fantastic Four #568.
First, in Reborn, the nerd squad assembles in the Mighty Avengers' HQ to discuss the tech behind whatever happened to Steve:
Also, Venom's there, but he's not in-panel.
Over in Fantastic Four, the seemingly omnipotent Marquis of Death and his minion subdue the Fantastic Four; the Marquis takes Reed on a little tour:
Reed says no.
They move on.
The Marquis didn't expect him to go for this either, so he takes him then to Area 87, where Clyde Wyncham, an incredibly dangerous supervillain is kept; Wyncham came from an alternate reality where he is the only mutant, but also has brain damage, and so a system designed by Reed keeps him subdued. Tying into Millar's "Old Man Logan", apparently the villain revolt in the future set Wyncham lose, and he awoke, "his mind restored...