Daily Scans
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
10:25 pm [colonel_green]
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A gentleman would never kiss and tell.
Four scans from Mighty Avengers #29.
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: hawkeye/kate bishop, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: loki, char: stature/cassie lang, char: vision/jonas, char: wiccan/billy kaplan, creator: christos gage, creator: dan slott, creator: khoi pham, group: young avengers, publisher: marvel comics, title: mighty avengers
10:29 pm [colonel_green]
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Canadians flip Labour Day the bird (Part II)
It's Teen Heroes R Us, with four scans apiece from Dark Reign: Young Avengers #4 and Nomad: Girl Without A World #1.
Tags: char: black widow/natasha romanova, char: bucky/nomad/rikki barnes, char: enchantress/sylvie lushton, char: green goblin/norman osborn, char: hawkeye/kate bishop, char: loki, char: stature/cassie lang, char: vision/jonas, char: wiccan/billy kaplan, creator: david baldeon, creator: mark brooks, creator: paul cornell, creator: sean mckeever, group: young avengers, group: young masters, publisher: marvel comics
04:14 pm [colonel_green]
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Who'd have thought so many people would fuss over the Scarlet Witch?
Four scans from Mighty Avengers #28.
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: hercules/marvel, char: loki, char: patriot/eli bradley, char: stature/cassie lang, char: vision/jonas, char: wiccan/billy kaplan, creator: christos gage, creator: dan slott, creator: khoi pham, publisher: marvel comics, title: mighty avengers
02:35 pm [colonel_green]
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Team Evaluations
Four scans from Dark Reign: Young Avengers #3.
Tags: char: hulkling/teddy altman, char: stature/cassie lang, char: wiccan/billy kaplan, creator: mark brooks, creator: paul cornell, group: young avengers, publisher: marvel comics
03:05 pm [colonel_green]
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Dark Reign: Young Avengers #4
The solicit and cover for August's YA story.
Current Music: I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry Tags: char: enchantress/sylvie lushton, char: wiccan/billy kaplan, creator: mark brooks, creator: paul cornell, genre: solicitations, group: young avengers, publisher: marvel comics
04:55 pm [dorksidefiker]
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Not the best examples of Superhero Behavior .... or, "You all can blame icon_uk for this post."
A long, long time ago, I started The Things Billy Kaplan Is Not Allowed to do as a Young Avenger. It was, much later, reposted on old S_D, and proved mildly amusing to some at least.
What most don't know is that I did two other such lists: Things Anole is Not Allowed to do at Xaviers and Things Decibel is Not Allowed to Do as a New Warrior.
Neither were quite as popular, but I felt like pimping sharing. And it gives me a good excuse to post the scan below the cut.
Edit: Dumb Question: How should we tag Iron Lad?
Tags: char: hulkling/teddy altman, char: patriot/eli bradley, char: wiccan/billy kaplan, creator: allan heinberg, creator: jim cheung, title: young avengers
11:08 pm [long_silence]
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Is this who I think it is? This is my first post on InsaneJournal so hopefully I don't mess anything up, especially the cut.
Tags: char: dr. strange/stephen strange, char: wiccan/billy kaplan, creator: brian michael bendis, creator: chris bachalo, group: avengers, publisher: marvel comics, title: new avengers