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Jun. 9th, 2008


Prompt #52

No points were awarded last week.

This week's prompt is #52 - Alternate Universe

Put the characters smack dab on a different world! Who would they be if they ended up as desert nomads? How about in a casino in Las Vegas? Or stuck in a spaceship, lived at the circus, were underground cave dwellers?

Give them special powers to get rid of all that Qi Gong stuff! Is Hakkai a pyrokinetic? Can Gojyo fly? Are any of them superheroes?

What if Ni was robotic and his bunny doll built him to be a butler?

This week, take reality and shift it to the left, give it a vigorous shake of the imagination and see what alternate universe you can come up with for the characters! But remember to write it in just 100 words.

Jun. 2nd, 2008


Prompt #51

Surprise!  The Honura-tachi has stolen the trophy from the Sanzo-ikkou with a mere 10 points!  I am sure Homura will put it to good use while in his care.

This week's prompt is #51 - Sanzo

Yes, it is Sanzo week.  All drabbles must contain or make reference to the cranky, trigger-happy monk!

What goes on inside Sanzo's head when he is traveling in a jeep across the desert with three other guys?  How does he feel about his fate? What was his life like as a young monk-in-training?  Does he keep his gun clean? Is he really as standoffish as he appears? How do the other monks feel about his smoking, drinking, and other bad behavior?

Let's see Sanzo doing all the things a Sanzo would do - but only in 100 words.

Jun. 1st, 2008


The Gates to Hell

Title: The Gates to Hell
Characters: Konzen, Tenpou, Kenren, and mentioned Son Goku
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Film Quotes
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100 + Quote
A/N: “Let the force be with you!” from StarWars. Let’s see if I can make this drabble work. :D
Heaven was burning quickly and badly – beautiful.
“Man, can that monkey do some damage or what?” Kenren smirked
“He’s Son Goku,” Tenpou simply stated. “I suppose we should do something about it, right Konzen?”
Konzen shrugged – uncaring.
“Right,” said Kenren. “Let the force be with you, and let’s fight.”
Konzen scowled. “What the hell?! Where did you get a stupid saying like that?”
“From the future.”
“You’re not allowed to travel through time,” pointed Tenpou.
“I was board, drunk, and I wanted to piss the timekeeper off.” Both Konzen and Tenpou sighed and Kenren shrugged. “I’ll see you in the 20th century then.”
“Or in hell.”

May. 26th, 2008


Prompt #50

No points were awarded last week.

This week's prompt is #50 - Film Quotes

Pick any movie, find a quote that inspires you and write it into a Saiyuki drabble.

This can work one of two ways. 

1. You can use it as an overall inspiration for the drabble. In this case, you do not have to use the quote anywhere in piece, it merely sets the mood.

2. You can incorporate the quote into the drabble word for word.  If you choose to do this, the quote will not be counted as part of your 100 words - those words are freebies!!

Here are some fantastic resources for movie quotes:

 - Internet Movie Database
- Said What? Movies
- AFI's 100 Movie Quotes
- FilmSite.Org

Be sure to include the quote and what movie it is from in your author's notes.

With 1000s of film quotes to choose from, remember to write them in just 100 words!

May. 19th, 2008


Prompt #49

The Sanzo-ikkou had their world crashed by an over-eager Mary Sue for 10 points.  The Homura-tachi and the Kou-tachi were inclined to let the Sanzo-ikkou win last week due to the fact that they were safely hiding out!

This week's prompt is #49 - Crossovers

You know that you've always wanted to write that Sanzo x Rurouni Kenshin fic.  Well, now is your chance!

This week give us 100 words of crossing the Saiyuki-verse with any other anime, TV show, video game, etc!

Are Goku and L discussing their favorite foods? Did Hakkai just get his hands on the Death Note? Is Gojyo now a singer in a jpop band called Bad Luck or is that just his luck?  Has Hakkai just fallen down the rabbit hole to see a girl named Kanan talking to a white rabbit?  And speaking of white rabbits, which pill does Homura take - the red or the blue? Is Ni busy with his newest experiment - Frankenstein? Has Sanzo met his match in a guy by the name of Dante?

Crossovers galore!  But only in 100 words please.  ^_^

May. 18th, 2008



Title: Reporter
Characters: Gojyo, Hakkai (mention), ?
Rating: G
Challenge: Self Inclusion
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
“Gojyo, a moment of your time please,” rushed a lady with black hair and dark piercing eyes.
Gojyo looked quizzically down at the strange lady. “What do you want?”
“Is it true you prefer men rather than women?”
“My sources reveal that you’re obsessed with Hakkai.”
“That’s bull!” denied Gojyo.
“I see.” The reporter madly scribbled something on her notepad. “So all the fawning over women is a farce to cover your true feelings for Hakkai. If it’s not obsession than it must be love.”
“I never said that!”
The reporter raised an eyebrow. “I just want the truth.”

May. 12th, 2008


Prompt #48

Last week, the Sanzo-ikkou remembered their 10 points and beat the heck out of the Kou-tachi and the Homura-tachi!

This week's prompt is #48 - Self Inclusion

Come on, you always wanted a piece of the action! Now, with help from this asylum, it is perfectly acceptable to write yourself into the story!

What will you do traveling in a crowded jeep with four bishounen? In Houtou Castle, will you make Ni your prisoner and Kougaiji your servant?  Will you get to share a kitchen with Hakkai as you cook something up for Gojyo?  What do you think Homura would do if he found you in his chair?  Does the Merciful Goddess approve of your antics?

So, include yourself!  Just write it in just 100 words.

May. 7th, 2008


Alone in the Jeep

Title: Alone in the Jeep
Characters : Sanzo and Goku
Challenge: Remember
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

“Hey Sanzo.”


“Remember when we went over that REALLY big bump and you were smoking your cigarette and you bit it so hard that it snapped in half?!”


“No??? That was SO funny!” Goku laughed and bounced in the jeep.

Sanzo cast an eye to the marketplace. Gojyo and Hakkai were taking an awfully long time…

“Oh! Hey Sanzo, remember when that lady got lipstick ALL over your robes?”

Sanzo turned to Goku. “Do you remember when you got pushed out of the jeep into a puddle?”


Sanzo gave a peaceful smile and an especially mighty shove.

May. 5th, 2008


Prompt #47

No points were awarded last week.  The Sanzo-ikkou keeps traveling with the trophy!

This week's prompt is #47 - Remember

Think about all the things you have to remember in a day - the to-do lists, the grocery store runs...

Sometimes music can make us remember fond things from our pasts.  We remember people, places, and things fondly.

Whether Sanzo is having fond remembrances of his master; Gojyo has to remember something and can't; Hakkai remembers to pick up some meat buns for Goku; Goku has a hard time remembering his past - whatever you chose to remember, you must write it in 100 words. 

Apr. 28th, 2008


Prompt #46

The Sanzo-ikkou filled in those missing scenes for us for 10 points last week.The Kou-tachi and the Homura -tachi were written out of that episode. ^_^

This week's prompt is #46 - Anthropomorphism

Take those inanimate objects, those nonhuman beings, those natural or supernatural phenomena and give them human qualities and characteristics. 

Make those weapons talk, the rain dance, the banishing gun cackle, scriptures complain.

Do Goku's golden band dread being broken?  Does the banishing gun thirst for blood?  Does Hakkai's Qi (Chi) get charge out of the fight?  If Gojyo's bed could talk would it complain about not getting enough rest?  Is Kenren's sake cup just completely drained? Do scriptures dream?  And of course, I have no issues with you anthropomorphing Jiipu some more. 

Give those objects a voice, but do it in just 100 words.

Apr. 27th, 2008


Missing Scene

Title: Missing Scene (because I couldn’t think of anything else to title this)
Characters: Sanzo, Hakkai, Gojyo
Rating: PG
Challenge: Missing Scenes
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
A/N: This takes place during the Chin Yisou arch in Vol. 4 in the Saiyuki manga series.
Sanzo had literally shot him; Gojyo was amazed that he was still alive.
“Are you finally awake, Kappa?”
Gojyo turned his head and found Sanzo sitting nearby and Hakkai lying next to him – unconscious. “What happened?”
“Hakkai fainted after he healed your sorry ass.” Sanzo stood up. “C’mon, you need to carry Hakkai somewhere safe.”
“I just got shot you damn lazy monk?”
After settling Hakkai in the cave, Gojyo said, “I think we should get Hakkai out of those clothes. He looks uncomfortable.”
“No, you go look for the monkey, you perverted Kappa.”
“I didn’t mean it that way!”

Apr. 21st, 2008


Prompt #45

The Sanzo-ikkou managed to singlehandedly defeat all of the opponents this week for 10 points. Revenge must be sweet.

This week's prompt is #45 - Missing Scenes

In every book, movie, or game there is always a scene or two that we wish the authors/creators would have included. Sometimes this scene is cut for length or for story cohesion. Many times it was never there to begin with, but our imaginations want it otherwise and that can lead to some great fanfiction.

Your task this week is to find those missing scenes gathering dust in those dark vaults and drag them into the light.for all to see.

How did Hakkai and Kanan meet? What was Nataku's first military training session like? Does anyone indulge in a hobby - does Gojyo paint, does Kougaiji crochet, does Sanzo write? Show us the scientists having lunch in the local cafeteria - What does Ni have for lunch? How about the boozing between friends at the local bar? What does Gyokumen Koushu do with her downtime? Give us some buddy time, some haircut scenes, some mundane grocery shopping!

Whatever tickles your imagination for those missing scenes, just make sure they are written in just 100 words.

Apr. 17th, 2008


Behind Bars

Title: Behind Bars
Characters: Tenpou, Kenren
Rating: G
Challenge: Revenge
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
Tenpou had never been down into the prison area before – there wasn’t reason for him to, until now.
He walked until he found the occupied cell and crossed his arms. “What did you do this time?”
Kenren chuckled. “Nothing that deserved imprisonment.”
Tenpou adjusted his glasses and waited.
“Alright, I poured hot sauce in the wine that was intended for this dumbass, but the wine went to the Jade Emperor instead…Hey where are you going? Aren’t you going to get me out of here?”
“No, you’re grounded,” said Tenpou evenly. “This is revenge for all the headaches you’ve brought me.”

Apr. 14th, 2008


Prompt #44

No points were awarded last week.

This week's prompt is #44 - Revenge

Is revenge truly a dish best served cold or will an eye for an eye make the whole world blind? Either way, this week is all about revenge.

Does Sanzo want revenge for what happened to his master? Will Goyjo demand revenge on Dokugakuji for walking out on him as a child?  Is Kougaiji plotting revenge this very minute on Ni? How does Hakkai feel about revenge now? 

This week plot revenge, but do it in just 100 words!

Apr. 7th, 2008


Prompt #43

Wishes came true for the Sanzo-ikkou last week.  They brought the trophy back to the Jeep with 20 points!

This week's prompt is #43 - Most Hated Character

Does Ni's bandaid and sleazy manner just squick you out? Can Sanzo be any more of an ass? Does Hakkai just rub you the wrong way with all that smiling? Can't stand Gojyo's flirting?  Can Lirin be any more annoying? 

Take all those characters that we love to hate - or at least the one you hate the most - and write them in any scene or situation.  Let us know why you hate them, but only 100 words please.

Apr. 6th, 2008


Wish Go Away

Title: Wish Go Away
Characters: Sanzo, Hakkai, Gojyo, Goku
Rating: R-ish?? (just to be safe)
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
A/N: This is a sequel to Wish Upon A…, but it can be read alone. Thanks [info]jyuukoi for the inspiration. 


Wish Upon A...

Title: Wish Upon A…
Characters: Hakkai, Gojyo, mentioned of others
Rating: PG-15
Challenge: Three Wishes
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
A/N: I used the monkey’s paw, which is based on the short story “The Monkey’s Paw.” Beware what you wish for. ; )
“Did you ever make a wish on that monkey’s paw you bought?” asked Hakkai.
“Yep,” answered Gojyo. “Two more wishes left.”
“Did it work?”
“What did you wish for?”
“It’s in our room.”
Curious, Hakkai opened the door to their shared room and was petrified by what he saw.
“I wished for all the sex toys made in the world. Do you want to try some out now?”
“Maybe later, but for now, we need to clean this up before Goku sees all this.”
“Too late.”
Gojyo shrugged. “I told him to ask Sanzo about what they do.”

Mar. 31st, 2008


Prompt #42

Last week, we had a 3-way tie for 10 points!  How generous of Goku to share, but will they fight overt the trophy?  ^_^

This week's prompt is #42 - Three Wishes

What would the characters do with three wishes?  What would they wish for? Should they be careful with their wishes?

Would Gojyo wish for women, wealth and fame?  Would Sanzo just want to be rid of the other three?  Who Kougaiji be frivolous with his wishes?

Whatever the three wishes, give it to them in just 100 words.

Mar. 27th, 2008


Question Answered

Title: Question Answered
Characters: Sanzo, Goku
Rating: PG-15
Challenge: Goku
Team: Homura-tachi
Word Count: 100
A/N: This is 3/3 parts drabble. It’s a sequel to Simple Question and Innocent Question, but can be read alone.
“Sanzo, I have…” Goku started
“But, you didn’t even hear what I’m going to ask?”
“It doesn’t matter”
“Well, I’m going to ask anyways. What’s sex like?”
“I’m a monk, and monks don’t have sex.”
“Liar! I’ve seen you have sex with Hakkai.”
Sanzo glared at Goku. “That’s none of your damn business!”
“Tell me.”
“Fine, if you must know, sex is…” Sanzo leaned close and began whispering in Goku’s ear.
Goku’s golden eyes widen. His face turned an interesting shade of red. And his nose began to bleed. “So, that’s what sex is,” he said before passing out.

Mar. 26th, 2008


Innocent Question

Title: Innocent Question
Characters: Gojyo, Goku
Rating: PG-15
Challenge: Goku
Team: Kou-tachi
Word Count: 100
A/N: This is 2/3 parts drabble. It’s a sequel to Simple Question, but can be read alone.
“I have a question.”
“Not now baka, can’t you see that I’m busy.” Gojyo had a beautiful woman sitting next him at the bar, when Goku found them.
“Come on sweetie,” said the lady. “Answer his question.”
“Alright, spill monkey boy,” said Goyjo.
“What is sex like?”
Gojyo groaned while the lady giggled.
“Sex is the most wonderful thing in the world, it’s loud, it’s messy, and there’s an explosion of ecstasy at the end.”
Goku contemplated for a moment. “Then what’s the difference between that and rolling in the mud with pigs while watching fireworks?”
“Dammit, ask Sanzo.”

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