Jan. 20th, 2008


Picnic Spot

Title: Picnic Spot
Characters: Sanzo, Hakkai, Gojyo, Goku, Hakuryu
Rating: PG
Challenge: Picnic
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: I haven't written anything with Hakuryu, so here is my attempt.

“Damn it, Hakkai!” Gojyo yelled as he gripped the side of jeep as it veered sharply off the road and into the forest.

Everyone held on as they drove at a high velocity through the forest until Hakuryu decided to stop, transform, and dump the passengers unceremoniously on the ground at a particular sunny spot.

“Explain what happened before I start shooting,” demanded Sanzo.

“I believe Hakuryu found a nice picnic location,” replied Hakkai, rubbing his sore back.

Sanzo jerked back as he received pleading looks from both Hakuryu and Goku. He didn’t stand a chance. “Fine.”

Goku cheered, “Picnic!”


Spit Take

Title: Spit Take

Challenge: Picnic

Characters: A Site Administrator

Team: Tweak!

Word count: 100

A/N: This drabble is written in honor of InsaneJournal Appreciation Day, and not played for points. Fandom loves you, Squeaky! Thanks for giving us a good home.  ^_______^




New servers are no picnic. Moving things around, making sure no journal gets left behind, and praying to the gods of technology that everything is going to work right the first time – not fun.


He checks it one more time, closes his eyes, and hits the switch.


Success is measured in silence: nothing blew up, for which he’s highly grateful.


Now that his work is done, it’s time to play. He finds a random journal and clicks on the link.


Reads a little.


Hits the punchline, and thanks the Merciful Goddess he had the foresight to cover everything with plastic.

Jan. 19th, 2008


A Picnic With the Gods

Title: A Picnic With the Gods
Characters: Kenren, Konzen, Goku, Tenpou
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Prompt: Picnic
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gaiden


“Goku, you little brat! Come back here!” Konzen ran after the boy the Merciful Goddess had so lovingly bestowed onto him.

Goku, his hands full of rice balls continued to run away from his caretaker. “No! I got these first so their mine!” He began to alternate running with popping the onigiri into his mouth.

“Isn’t it a beautiful day?” Tenpou asked Kenren, his head turned to the sky.

In front of them, a smack resounded as Konzen caught up with Goku.

Kenren turned to the man beside him and took a sip of his sake. “Why yes, it is.”

Jan. 14th, 2008


Prompt #31

At 2 a.m., the Sanzo-ikkou are battling their personal demons for 50 points!  The Homura-tachi is plotting to create a new world for 10 points, while the Kou-tachi is dealing with a mother complex for 10 points.

This week's prompt is #31 - Picnic

Winter has gotten it's icy claws into the yard outside my window and has me dreaming of a spring day.  This week, take the characters on a picnic!

Is Goku sneaking meatbuns out of the basket before they even find a spot to sit?  Does Hakkai make an impromptu pinic stop on the long journey west?  Are the fire ants wrecking the Kou-tachi's salad, amongst other things? Did Lirin steal Sanzo's egg roll?

No matter what the occasion, have the characters take a little break out of the ordinary.  Give them some food and set them down for a picnic, but do it in just 100 words.

January 2010





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