Jul. 9th, 2008


Revenge, Retaliation

Title: Revenge
Characters: Tenpou
Team: Kou-tachi
Prompt: Fire
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gaiden
A/N: Follows Under Orders and Punishment, but can be read alone.


Revenge )


Title: Retaliation
Characters: Kenren, Tenpou
Team: Kou-tachi
Prompt: Fire
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gaiden
A/N: Follows Under Orders, Punishment, and Revenge, but can be read alone.


Retaliation )

Mar. 1st, 2008



Title: Punishment
Characters: Tenpou, Kenren
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Prompt: Uninvited Guest
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gaiden
A/N: Loosely follows Under Orders.


Tenpou had no idea how long he’d been sitting there, surrounded by books. He loved the peace of reading.

“Field Marshall Tenpou. I’ve brought General Kenren to you. Do something about him. Now.”

Tenpou sighed and looked up at Kenren. “What did you do this time?”

Averting his eyes, he answered. “I may or may not have reminded a certain higher up of how ugly he is.”

“Organize my books.”


“That’s your punishment.” Tenpou gestured to the mess around him.

“But this will take weeks to clean up!” Kenren whined.

Tenpou went back to his book. “Get started then.”

Feb. 1st, 2008


Under Orders

Title: Under Orders
Characters: Tenpou, a higher up
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Prompt: Procrastination
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gaiden


“Field Marshall Tenpou. Speak with General Kenren about his behavior.”

“I will.” But there is this book I’d like to read…

“Field Marshall Tenpou. General Kenren continues to be a problem. Speak with him.”

“I will now.” Goku’s driving Konzen insane. I should help him.

“Field Marshall Tenpou. General Kenren is causing chaos in the army. Get him under control.”

“All right, just give me a minute.” It’ll take forever to organize these books. I’ll find Kenren soon as I’m done.


“Yes sir.” Now to find Kenren…

Jan. 19th, 2008


A Picnic With the Gods

Title: A Picnic With the Gods
Characters: Kenren, Konzen, Goku, Tenpou
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Prompt: Picnic
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gaiden


“Goku, you little brat! Come back here!” Konzen ran after the boy the Merciful Goddess had so lovingly bestowed onto him.

Goku, his hands full of rice balls continued to run away from his caretaker. “No! I got these first so their mine!” He began to alternate running with popping the onigiri into his mouth.

“Isn’t it a beautiful day?” Tenpou asked Kenren, his head turned to the sky.

In front of them, a smack resounded as Konzen caught up with Goku.

Kenren turned to the man beside him and took a sip of his sake. “Why yes, it is.”

Sep. 11th, 2007


Excitement of Battle

Title: Excitement of Battle
Characters/Pairings: Kenren, Tenpou
Team: Kou-tachi
Prompt: Hunger
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100


“You think you’re a match for me?” he scoffed. Lifting his hand, he practically begged the demon clan to prove him wrong.

“You bastard! Even if you’re a god, we’ll kill you.” With a smirk, he lifted his sword and sliced through yet another demon. Their warm blood splattered his leather coat. He didn’t mind. He lived for the danger, the excitement he felt when fighting against demons on Earth.

Too soon, it was over. He returned to the Heavens to drink sake and saw Tenpou helping himself to some of his store. “Did you enjoy yourself Kenren?”

“Of course.”

Aug. 26th, 2007


Fried Monkey with Sautéed Kappa

Title: Fried Monkey with Sautéed Kappa
Characters/Pairings: Sanzo-ikkou
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Prompt: Sun
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100


“Sanzo…I’m thirsty! We haven’t had anything to drink in days!!” Goku whined for the umpteenth time.

Sanzo’s hand twitched over his gun. “For the last time, we have no water. There will be none until we get out of this desert.”

Goku groaned. “Hey Gojyo…you should make water appear.”

“And how should I do that?” Gojyo grumbled.

“I dunno…use your kappa powers. I suppose you’re just useless if you can’t.”

“You’re more useless bakasaru.” The fight started.

“Pull over Hakkai.” Sanzo pushed the fighting pair out. “Go.”

The monkey and the kappa were left to bake in the desert sun.

Aug. 14th, 2007


Why Do We Bleed?

Title: Why Do We Bleed?
Characters: Goku, Nataku
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gaiden
Propmt: Blood


Goku watched with unnatural attentiveness as Nataku examined his wounded arm. The cut wasn’t deep or wide, but it ran the risk of getting infected. After satisfied that the cut wouldn’t require professional attention, Nataku rinsed the blood off. Disinfecting herbs were rubbed into the cut and a bandage was wrapped tightly around the limb.

Still Goku sat there, watching as the now pink water continued to drip off his forearm into the ground below.

“Hey Nataku,” the monkey began, “why do we bleed?”

The war prince caught a drop with his finger. “We bleed just to know we’re alive.”

Aug. 11th, 2007



Title: Relief
Characters/Pairings: Kenren, Tenpou
Team: Kou-tachi
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gaiden
Propmt: Water
Author's Notes: This is my first attempt at writing for Saiyuki. Let’s see how it goes.


It was hot. Really hot. And Kenren had no idea why. At the moment, the general had found relief under his favorite sakura tree. “Kenren!” That relief was only temporary.

“What is it Tenpou?”

Tenpou had a damning smile on his face; one Kenren would have noticed if he looked. “Would you come with me for a moment?”

“Fine…” Kenren left the shade reluctantly.

They made it to the entrance of the palace when Kenren was doused with water. He looked from the snickering Tenpou to Goku’s retreating back and decided that he needed to have a ‘talk’ with Konzen.

January 2010





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