Jul. 15th, 2008


Beneath the Covers

Title: Beneath the Covers
Characters: Hakkai, Gojyo
Rating: R
Challenge: dialogue only
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
“Mmm, yea a little lower. Hey, easy with the jewels! Ooh yea, right there, Hakkai – that’s it man, keep it going. That feels so good.”
“Who are you talking to Gojyo?”
“Hakkai? Wait, why are you standing over by the doorway?”
“Why shouldn’t I?”
“Because you’re suppose to be beneath the cover doing wicked things with your talented tongue and nimble fingers. Ahhh, like you are right now.”
“Obviously I’m not doing anything remotely close to what you’re saying if I’m standing here, am I?”
“Then who…Oh my God!”
“What is it?”
“I don’t know, but it’s beneath the cover!”

Jul. 14th, 2008


Conversations: Smokes / Requests

Title: Conversations.
Characters/Pairings: Sanzo, Hakkai, Gojyo.
Team, Challenge: Sanzo-ikkou, #56: Dialogue Only.
Rating: PG for language.
Word Count: 100 each.
Series: Supposed to take place pre-series but it doesn't really matter. :D

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Prompt #56

Well, two teams seem to be warming themselves by the fire this week.  That's right, we have a tie!  With 20 points each, I guess the Sanzo-ikkou and the Kou-tachi will have to share the trophy.  That is, if the Kou-tachi can catch Sanzo - they really haven't had any luck with that Sutra, maybe the trophy will be easier.

This week's prompt is #56 - Dialogue Only

"Dialogue only?"

"Yes, dialogue only?"

"Wow! But um, I don't know if I can do that."

"Sure you can!  People do it all the time. Characters have things to say without all the other narration.  Think about how you talk with friends.  No one is there narrating your behavior, so just leave that out and you will do fine!"

"Since you put it that way, it doesn't sound so bad."

"It's not, really.  Have fun with it!  But remember, you must write it in just 100 words."

January 2010





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