Jun. 1st, 2008


The Gates to Hell

Title: The Gates to Hell
Characters: Konzen, Tenpou, Kenren, and mentioned Son Goku
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Film Quotes
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100 + Quote
A/N: “Let the force be with you!” from StarWars. Let’s see if I can make this drabble work. :D
Heaven was burning quickly and badly – beautiful.
“Man, can that monkey do some damage or what?” Kenren smirked
“He’s Son Goku,” Tenpou simply stated. “I suppose we should do something about it, right Konzen?”
Konzen shrugged – uncaring.
“Right,” said Kenren. “Let the force be with you, and let’s fight.”
Konzen scowled. “What the hell?! Where did you get a stupid saying like that?”
“From the future.”
“You’re not allowed to travel through time,” pointed Tenpou.
“I was board, drunk, and I wanted to piss the timekeeper off.” Both Konzen and Tenpou sighed and Kenren shrugged. “I’ll see you in the 20th century then.”
“Or in hell.”

May. 26th, 2008


Prompt #50

No points were awarded last week.

This week's prompt is #50 - Film Quotes

Pick any movie, find a quote that inspires you and write it into a Saiyuki drabble.

This can work one of two ways. 

1. You can use it as an overall inspiration for the drabble. In this case, you do not have to use the quote anywhere in piece, it merely sets the mood.

2. You can incorporate the quote into the drabble word for word.  If you choose to do this, the quote will not be counted as part of your 100 words - those words are freebies!!

Here are some fantastic resources for movie quotes:

 - Internet Movie Database
- Said What? Movies
- AFI's 100 Movie Quotes
- FilmSite.Org

Be sure to include the quote and what movie it is from in your author's notes.

With 1000s of film quotes to choose from, remember to write them in just 100 words!

January 2010





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