Mar. 7th, 2008


Promises Kept

Title: Promises Kept
Characters: Hakkai
Rating: PG
Challenge: Promises
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100

Hakkai stepped into the clearing, where a great fortress once stood, and suppressed a shiver. He felt surprisingly cold despite the warm midsummer air.

This was where it all began; Kanan’s death, and Hakkai’s thirst for vengeance, which ultimately led to his damnation. He made a promise to himself to confront this place – to put old demons at rest. He needed to do this, despite Sanzo’s disagreement.

Free of all, bound by nothing; you live your life simply as it is

“I’m free,” he whispered, feeling the shackles of his past lifting. It was time to live his life again.

Mar. 5th, 2008


Promises, Promises

Title: Promises, Promises
Characters: Sanzo, Hakkai, Gojyo, Goku
Rating: PG
Challenge: Promises
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100 

“Sanzo,” whined Goku, “you promised.”

“I did no such thing,” snapped Sanzo

“Sanzo, it’s not nice to break promises,” said Hakkai, who had been watching this interaction between the two for some time now.

“What did you promise him anyway, Monk?” asked Gojyo.

“Sanzo promised to take me to the village festival. He was gonna buy me all kinds of food that’s only sold there. Then he was going to enter in a shooting contest and win a giant stuff bear for me,” explained Goku.

Both Hakkai and Gojyo deadpan as Sanzo yelled, “You’ve made that whole damn thing up!”

Mar. 3rd, 2008


Prompt #38

The Sanzo-ikkou had their hands full dealing with all their uninvited youkai guests last week for 20 points.  Even the Kou-tachi had to deal with one - namely Ni - which earned them 10 points of their own.  The Homura-tachi will slam the door in your face before they invite you in.

This week's prompt is #38 - Promises

Promises made, promises kept, promises broken. 

Gojyo promises not to go out to pick up ladies, but always breaks that one.  Hakkai keeps his promises to himself but how about to others?  Sanzo promises that this time will be the last cigarette, but can he really quit?  Kougaiji promises to set his mother free but will he be able to keep that one?  Goku promises not to snack before dinner,but we all know how that will probably play out.

Whatever the situation, promise 100 words.

January 2010





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