Oct. 29th, 2007



Title: Balance
Characters : Hakkai and Sanzo
Challenge: Fate
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Chi pulsed from his body.

The battle raged around him and his limiters tingled.

He weaved his fingers, words streaming from his lips as he harnessed the energy in a sphere. It was warm between his palms and he sent it toward the enemy.

A bullet sliced through the energy, its power heightened.

The priest stepped beside him and their weapons merged.

When the battle ended, he tended to the priest’s wounds.

It was all about balance.

He used the chi to heal – to give life.

He used the chi to attack – to take life.

Gods would decide his fate.

Oct. 22nd, 2007


Prompt #19

Seems that the Sanzo-ikkou's nightmares are bad enough for all the teams.  They win this round with 10 points.

This week's prompt is #19 - Fate

The dictionary defines fate as "destiny; things that is certain to happen as we think it has been decided by a power beyond human control."

So, I ask you to define the fate of the characters this week.  Were Konzen, Tenpou, and Kenren fated to be reborn? Does Goku have a destiny beyond what Homura decides for him? Was Hakkai fated to lose Kanan and become the demon he is through his revenge?  Does Gojyo believe in fate or is that just a really good pick-up line? What about Sanzo - is all this destiny stuff just a load of bull?  Do Kougaiji, Dokugakouji, Lirin, and Yaone walk that fine line of fate or are they just playthings in Ni's grand scheme?

Whatever way fate prompts you to write, you must outline destiny in just 100 words.

Mod note:  Welcome to all of our newcomers!  Don't be shy, this community could use a little participation!  If you are just here to read, please drop a comment to any of the writers whose 100's you enjoy.  They thrive on praise (you know you do!).

January 2010




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