Aug. 31st, 2008


Walk Like a Girl, Talk Like a Girl

Title: Walk Like a Girl, Talk Like a Girl
Characters: Hakkai, Gojyo, Goku
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: gender bending
Team: Sanzo-ikkou
Word Count: 100
“Damn, I look like Lirin,” moaned Goku as he shoved padding down his blouse.
Curling his hair, Gojyo glanced at Goku. “Nah, Lirin’s breast is a D-cup.  Yours is barely pushing a B-cup.”
“Why do we have to dress like girls?”
“We have to if we’re going to pass the women tribe,” said Hakkai.
Both Gojyo and Goku blinked. Hakkai, completed with makeup, wore a low, sleeveless top, which exposed his slender toned abdomen. His skirt outlined his slender legs. 
Goku growled, “Why can Hakkai get away with going flat chest?”
Gojyo whistled. “Because he can get away with it.”

Aug. 25th, 2008


Prompt #62

No points were awarded last week.

This week's prompt is #62 - Gender Bending

Gender bending can be described in many ways but those definitions all boil down to one basic thing - sending out mixed signals regarding one's gender. The more androgynous a person is, the harder it is to tell whether they are male or female.

Gender bending also refers to pushing the envelop regarding appearance and sexuality.  It can include men wearing skirt's, women sporting masculine-looking tattoos or sporting a hairstyle that may traditionally be looked at as fit for the opposite sex.

Gender-benders can confuse as well as push personal comfort zones to the limit.

Does Kougaiji's hair and feminine-like features cause him to be mistaken as a girl? Do the guys tease Sanzo about his fashion sense by likening it to a dress? Does Lirin try to present as masculine wherever/whenever she can?  Is Gojyo hiding a secret feminine identity? Is Hakkai a male to female tranny or vice versa?
You task this week is to push the envelope on gender, bending it a bit and coming out with only 100 words.

January 2010





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