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Posts Tagged: 'star+wars:+jaina+solo+%28l%29'

Mar. 14th, 2021



I'm thinking about taking one of the speeders out, if anyone feels like joining me.

Have you sensed anything [...] unusual recently?

Feb. 16th, 2021



Network Post: Bethany Hawke

Hello. Bear with me. I am very new to everything here and I'm probably going to make a mistake. I am Bethany Hawke. I'm Fereldan, if that means anything to you, and I'm a mage. I'm just going to assume you've all met my sister, by now.

I'm making a list of things to learn about this place, so feel free to recommend. So far I have hot showers and tacos.

Feb. 13th, 2021




Oh, good, more snow. Just what we all wanted, I’m sure.

We’re taking tomorrow off, all of us. I can’t make you go to the party, but we’re taking a break. No exceptions.




I’ve always been a lot more partial to Galentine’s Day than Valentines and since my best mates aren’t here for our traditional celebration, I’m suggesting we just have a big girls’ night tonight! We can invade the lounge or go get a bite or both or there’s always movie night or karaoke, but I would love it if you’d all come out with me tonight!

Jan. 24th, 2021



Network Post: Luke Skywalker

Congratulations on the win, Bodhi.

Has anyone tried to produce bacta in this system? I'm not anywhere near an expert on it, but I'm sure it would be useful.

Pretend I can't tell and I can take a shift.

[Mara Jade]
I think you're right about it being time to pry.

Jan. 23rd, 2021



Voice-to-Text Post: Dash Parr

At least I'll probably have a cool scar.

[Dad and Charles and Lorna]
In my defense, it's not my fault asteroids are wonky. When I was abducted by aliens in Atlantis, at least they had normal gravity.

[Asteroid teams]
Thanks, Bellamy, Jaina.

[Jacen + Mal]
So how about them Yankees? Actually, neither of you would get that and I'm pretty sure the Yankees don't exist anymore.

Jan. 18th, 2021




It's that time again! Hopefully you all got a taste of the joy of speeder's over the weekend and have a craving for more.

Sunday, we will be holding our third race. So, come see if you can beat us at or own game (Again, since you all apparently are better at Sabaac than all of us).

Let me know below if you'll be coming, so I can sort out the races.

How do you feel about getting off this rock for a while?

Jan. 3rd, 2021



Is it me or does the mood around here feel especially tense lately?

Jan. 2nd, 2021



Network Post: Jacqueline Wildgrube

Everyone should be enjoying the new year this much!

Cut for image )

[Younger+ Ladies Only]
Okay, I have been incredibly patient. I want gossip!

Dec. 25th, 2020



Network Post: Luke Skywalker

[Earlier in the day]

I think all the greenery is one of the better parts of this season. There's life even under the ice, but it's usually quieter. Thank you to everyone who has shared your traditions and celebrations. So far, I prefer this winter to the miniature one we had in July. I wouldn't mind it being over as quickly, though.

[Star Wars]
Would anyone be interested in a quick speeder race? Or just a patrol around the grounds? Not to keep any of you from joining in with the local traditions, but maybe we can free up some of Security who have places to be for this holiday, and I'd enjoy your company.