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Posts Tagged: 'mass+effect:+commander+shepard'

Jul. 6th, 2021



Network Post: Cullen Rutherford

I'll be running emergency drills every hour on the hour all day Wednesday, starting at 5am.

Depending on performance, there may be sundaes in the evening. I'm told it's the day for it.

[Thedosians + Friends*]
I'm getting very tired of megalomaniacs and their aspirations to godhood.

*Please assume.

Jun. 7th, 2021




I guy could get used to all of these National #insert food here# Days. That's an awful lot of delicious specials.  I'm especially enjoying the chocolate ice cream today.

I'm not ignoring you.  I'm just not sure that I really know what you want me to say.

No.  You know what, we're on the same planet, in the same compound.  Meet me for a drink?  So we can actually talk.

May. 5th, 2021



Network Post: Cullen Rutherford

It's been my experience that spring air tends to make recrui people restless, and considering our recent influx, I'm taking suggestions for our next training exercise. Any games of the future we should add to the rotation?

Not to step on toes, but I thought you might be occupied. How are you doing?

Apr. 12th, 2021



Backdated to the 11th

Delivery for Shepard - Delivered After the Meeting )

Mar. 21st, 2021




I must have hit my head harder than I thought. Although, this makes just about as much sense as anything else in my life the last few years.

Feb. 13th, 2021




I’ve always been a lot more partial to Galentine’s Day than Valentines and since my best mates aren’t here for our traditional celebration, I’m suggesting we just have a big girls’ night tonight! We can invade the lounge or go get a bite or both or there’s always movie night or karaoke, but I would love it if you’d all come out with me tonight!



[Filtered to Lando Calrissian]
So like, they gave you Lucifer's job right?

Can I take over the theatre? I have an idea to stop everyone being so miserable and boring. Well, marginally less miserable and boring, anyway.
[Refugees + (Posted after reply from Lando)]
Okay, so like, I know a whole bunch of super serious shit has gone down. But, you can't be serious ALL THE TIME. It will give you an ulcer or something equally disgusting. So, I've decided to put on a musical.

I've not decided which musical yet. But, I'll take suggestions and/or preferences. Like, if any of you knew someone in one of your super weird alternate reality trips, and it would be super weird to see someone playing them on stage. Let me know. Cause we all have enough trauma without adding to it.

Feb. 6th, 2021




I'm sure you've all been wondering why we've been scrambling to increase security now, when the murders have been in the news for a few months now. The sad fact of the matter is, that in the early hours of yesterday morning, we lost one of our own. On his way back from the BNU gala, where he was representing SadTech, Mordecai Roberts was shot and killed.

I'm sure you'll all join me in mourning the loss of our friend and colleague.

Obviously, my Earth Birthday is postponed until next month.

I'm so sorry. If you ever need to talk, or just want quiet company. Let me know.

Jan. 10th, 2021



refugees+ | after the news alert

Nothing like a little murder to make me feel right at home. it wasn’t

Is crime so rare here that a pair of dead bodies is really international news, or is there more to this that I’m just not getting?

Dec. 11th, 2020



[Filter to Everyone who isn't on the ski trip]
So, how many of us have stayed behind?
Call me paranoid, but I'm going to triple check the barriers.  I could use company.