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Posts Tagged: '%D3%A0+vampire+academy:+rose+hathaway'

Feb. 21st, 2021



Network Post: Bodhi Rook

Sticky buns remind me of the street vendors in Jedha City. The spices aren't exactly right, but they're still very good.

[Board + Department Heads + Transportation+Mechanical]
All of our vehicles have been double-checked and received maintenance. An EMP remains a threat, but we have and are continuing to add protections to prevent against future hacking.

Feb. 14th, 2021



private message: rose → edmund

rose hathaway Feb 15 at 1:03 AM
Thanks for coming with me tonight
I had a It wouldn't have been as fun without you I'm not just saying this because you bought me ice cream.
edmund pevensie Feb 15 at 1:03 AM

Feb. 13th, 2021




I’ve always been a lot more partial to Galentine’s Day than Valentines and since my best mates aren’t here for our traditional celebration, I’m suggesting we just have a big girls’ night tonight! We can invade the lounge or go get a bite or both or there’s always movie night or karaoke, but I would love it if you’d all come out with me tonight!

Feb. 11th, 2021



Voice to Text

I think I've now managed to amend most of my recipes to adjust for the slightly different ingredients available in this world.

For those that don't know, I've taken over the Kitchen in the Lounge, and already have most of a full menu planned out. However, in these difficult times, I know it's always nice to have something familiar. So, if any of you have any favourite meals from home that you would like me to include, please do feel free to send me a menu. Digitally if possible, that way I can get the tablet to read it to me.

Feb. 7th, 2021



[Texts to Medical]
>> Prep for a medical emergency
>> Neria's been hurt
>> There's a lot of blood

[Texts to Thedosians]
>> Cullen, you're going to have a mabari incoming.
>> You're both going to want to meet us in Medical.
>> Neria's hurt.

[Texts to Security + Intel]
>> Someone just attacked Neria just outside the barrier at [LOCATION].
>> Someone might want to go check it out.

Feb. 4th, 2021



mid-morning february 5th

[OOC: this is after the meeting called in Thea's post, potentially before the news alert or just after.]

If you pay any attention at all to the news, you know there's some shit going down. I'm not going to lock down the compound yet, but I'm asking that you all be fucking careful. Don't go out along, pay very close attention to your surroundings at all times. Self defense lessons wouldn't go amiss for those of you who aren't badasses already, whether you get someone you feel comfortable with to teach you or you ask me or Shepard or Diego to teach you some moves.

Use the buddy system no matter what, guys. No one is completely invincible. If you're planning to venture out alone – fucking don't. Ask security for an escort if you don't want to take a friend.

I'm doubling patrols, effective immediately. You should have your new schedules in the next five minutes.

Ed Ed
Might be busy for a few days. Don't worry. I'm not going to get myself arrested or anything because we aren't getting caught.



Network Post: Jacqueline Wildgrube

[Ezra Wilde + Rose Hathaway (separately)]
If I ask what's going on, will you actually tell me?

[Rey Skywalker]
I'm having lunch with Ezra. It's an "I can't tell you something over the network" lunch.

Come with me?

Feb. 2nd, 2021



Network Post: Eddie Castile

The groundhog definitely won't be seeing his shadow today. This means an early spring, right? It can't come fast enough.

[Jill VA]
Security's celebrating Rose's promotion with tacos and tequila. The rest of you should come along.

Jan. 31st, 2021



Network Post: Mordecai Roberts

I find myself torn between the numerous options for celebrating National Hot Chocolate Day. All the options are temptingly indulgent.

[Lucy Pevensie]
I don't suppose you could help me make up my mind?

Jan. 24th, 2021



Text + Network Post: Eddie Castile

[OOC: Very late/early.]

[Text: Mason + Rose + Allison]
>>Are any of you up for patrolling?
>>Since we're some of the few actually in one piece.

[OOC: At a more reasonable hour on Monday.]

[Net: Refugees+]
Taco night doesn't really have to wait until Tuesday, does it?