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Posts Tagged: '%D3%A0+the+magicians:+julia+wicker'

Jan. 29th, 2020



log: julia & q reunion

JAN. 3, 2372

--- )

Jan. 24th, 2020



I almost forgot it was my birthday.

Anyone for burgers, pie, beer and a few games of pool?

Jan. 8th, 2020



I think this is the most arrivals I've seen in such a short amount of time since I got here.

[Filtered to Magical Department, Ellana and Cullen]
I've been deliberating over whether Grey Warden secrets are worth keeping here or not. Or if it's even worth looking into, as there's no guarantee of how long I'll be here. But, I suppose there isn't any harm in trying.

I'm a Grey Warden, who are commonly known in Thedas to being immune to the blight. What they don't tell you, until after you've been recruited, is that it's not exactly an immunity. Instead, a ritual is performed, which involves drinking a concoction containing Dark Spawn blood. Tainting our blood. This allows us to not only not be affected further by the blight. But to sense Dark Spawn when they are near us. However, this does not last forever. We have, at most 30 years from our Joining before the corruption catches up with us. And, we slowly turn into ghouls. Most Wardens head into the Deep Roads to die an honourable death before this occurs.

Back in Thedas, I was looking into trying to find a way to reverse the joining. Cure Grey Wardens of the taint. Allowing them to live and have families.

I was hoping to continue that research here. I still have twenty years left, roughly. But, I thought it was worth a look.

Jan. 6th, 2020



Refugees and Allies

You know, I'm starting to feel a little insulted that the corporations and news outlets in this world seem to think we don't know what complete fucking bullshit these press releases are.

Also, hi, new people. My name is Julia. Welcome to the shit storm. If you haven't seen the lounge yet, I'd suggest you go there and ask Margo for something strong. You're probably going to need it.

Jan. 5th, 2020



Network Post: Mordecai Roberts

[Margo Hanson and Lorna Dane]
Would you object if I were to co-opt the game night tonight for Twelfth Night? Last year was rather enjoyable, and it's really just the addition of refreshments. I'll supply the cake - pay for it, at least, if Mr. Parr doesn't mind picking it up from the bakery. I've been strictly warned against overexerting myself.

[Christine Chapel and Zoe Sage]
I realize their traditions aren't quite the same as mine, but the little I know of New Orleans in this world is a very French influence. As that bodes well for a proper Twelfth Night celebration, I wondered if there was anything you care to add. (And if I'm remembering incorrectly, please blame it on too many memories recent knocks on the head and ignore me). I don't have anything too fancy in mind, just adding some cheer to the regular game night. Rum and a good King cake.

Idle hands are the devil's playthings, I'm told. For those with an interest, there will be rum and fruitcake in the Lounge during tonight's game night.

Jan. 3rd, 2020



texts and filter: julia wicker

shortly after or during the in-progress log, set on 1/2

» Quentin's here.
» Just showed up at our door about 20 minutes ago.
» I'm bringing him by the lounge in a bit.

We'll be having a department meeting at 10am tomorrow. I'd like to go over our current projects, especially in lieu of us having a new employee.

One of our refugees has brought up the idea of using a combination of magic and technology to better track arrivals and maybe even prevent departures, so we'll be discussing the feasibility of that as well.

» Have they let you out of medical yet?

Dec. 10th, 2019



Secure Messages: Mordecai Roberts

[OOC: After his conversation with Aranea, but before leaving]

[Rose Hathaway + Aranea Highwind + Lexa kom Triku + Jemma Simmons, viewable to Thea Dearden + Peter Pevensie]
[Attached Picture from Aranea]

Ralph Argent, also known as the Wraith. Twelve-A enchanter, led a smuggling ring of broad scope and numbers which operated throughout the Related Worlds, trading in weapons, restricted magical ingredients, and butchered less savory items. He was recently observed in company with the unfortunately named Zemo of whom I believe Dr. Simmons may have some knowledge. They appear to be working directly at the behest of our friends on Titan.

I dearly hope It may simply a case of mistaken identity, but it does make sense for those with an interest in profiting off the Related Worlds to engage someone who has made a living doing just that. He ought to have been in prison without his magic, but timelines are fickle things. Certainly a man with such a fate awaiting him at home might be amenable to an offer such as a powerful corporation could make.

[Caitlin Snow]
Some threads shouldn't be pulled.

[Ellana Lavellan, Julia Wicker, Neria Surana]
[...] Bollocks. I can't even come up with an implausible excuse at the moment. I shall be off planet for a week or two.

[Julia Wicker]
What did you do?

[Lucy Pevensie]
I should You ought to

[...added later...]

May I ask a rather foolish indulgence?

Dec. 1st, 2019



Network Post: Cullen Rutherford

[Compound minus Ellana]
This appears to be the best method for inquiries. I tried the Google, but I don't seem to have enough information to ask it the proper question. What is the significance of the white berries? Kissing berries produces

Nov. 17th, 2019



Network Post: Mordecai Roberts

It's rather a dreary day to celebrate hiking. I can tolerate rain, but this is more like a cruel joke. I am, however, feeling more myself than I have in a while, so I suppose I can venture out a short distance. At least as far as the Lounge.

[Ellana Lavellan]
How are you recovering?

Nov. 3rd, 2019



Texts: Mordecai Roberts

[Lucy Pevensie]
>>Are you taking advantage of the festival?

[Julia Wicker]
>>On to Plan B.

[Clarke Griffin]
>>How is Symba?