REVOLTIC :: every future needs a revolution


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April 3rd, 2021



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie

[Backdated to Friday 2 April]

Good Friday always seemed such a backwards name to me when I was younger. I understand where it comes from - that the greatest good can come from and in despite of great evil. It isn't necessarily pleasant or safe, what we wish for or imagine, but it is always needed. All things considered, that seems an apt description of life, as well.

This week has been both unexpected and very good.
[Pevensies+* and Future Families]
We might need to eat outside to fit everyone, but Easter is a time for family, and I would like to celebrate with all of you.

[OOC: Liliandil, Rose, Thea, and Mordecai are all included in the Plus by this point. Sam and the next-gens are also included in this filter.]



Network Post: Clint Barton

[Forward dated to after he's out of Medical]

It's completely unfair I have to miss out on a week's worth of entertainment because some people can't handle the internet while they're on meds. And don't give me that line about sensitive instruments. I'm not stupid.

I did get to wake up to the most gorgeous woman I know the other day, so I've got that over all the rest of you.

So, any brawls yet? Explosions?