REVOLTIC :: every future needs a revolution


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January 8th, 2020



Did I see something about there being an Open Mic Night tonight?

I think that sounds like fun, who wants to go with me?



I think this is the most arrivals I've seen in such a short amount of time since I got here.

[Filtered to Magical Department, Ellana and Cullen]
I've been deliberating over whether Grey Warden secrets are worth keeping here or not. Or if it's even worth looking into, as there's no guarantee of how long I'll be here. But, I suppose there isn't any harm in trying.

I'm a Grey Warden, who are commonly known in Thedas to being immune to the blight. What they don't tell you, until after you've been recruited, is that it's not exactly an immunity. Instead, a ritual is performed, which involves drinking a concoction containing Dark Spawn blood. Tainting our blood. This allows us to not only not be affected further by the blight. But to sense Dark Spawn when they are near us. However, this does not last forever. We have, at most 30 years from our Joining before the corruption catches up with us. And, we slowly turn into ghouls. Most Wardens head into the Deep Roads to die an honourable death before this occurs.

Back in Thedas, I was looking into trying to find a way to reverse the joining. Cure Grey Wardens of the taint. Allowing them to live and have families.

I was hoping to continue that research here. I still have twenty years left, roughly. But, I thought it was worth a look.