Pandora's Box RPG

March 2012



Posts Tagged: '%5Edate:+november+08+2003'

Dec. 23rd, 2011


[No Subject]

Who: Penelope Clearwater and Percy Weasley
What: A visit upon receiving an owl.
Where: Percy's flat in Kinnerton Court, Exeter, Devon
When: November 8, 8:35PM
Rating: Likely worksafe

She stood in front of his door for a moment, having finally realized where she was... )

Owl to Theodore, sent at 4:13pm

Owl to Theodore Nott )

Dec. 22nd, 2011


[No Subject]

Characters: Roger Davies & Marietta Edgecombe, later Zacharias Smith
Setting: Marietta's flat, 8 November 2003, around 9pm
Rating: R, for adult themes & language
Summary: Marietta and Roger have some evening plans that might not go as well as they are expecting.

She didn't have an exact time but it wasn't as though there had to be a special time for this sort of thing. )

[No Subject]

Who: Tracey Davis, NPC John Davis, Jayne Dough/Pandora
What: Sibling time before something unexpected
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
When: November 8, Late
Rating: High for torture and death

Read more... )

Owl to Penelope Clearwater

Owl to Penelope Clearwater )

Dec. 21st, 2011


[No Subject]

Who: Agatha Bole & Adrian Pucey
What: Setting up for a 'token of appreciation' for Ron
Where: Ministry of Magic, DMLE Aurors' Division
When: November 8, 3 PM
Rating: Language and sexy talks

Aggie whistled as she got off the lift on her floor and walked down the corridor, a carpet-bag slung over her shoulder. She nodded to the few people she passed, as this was one of the few departments where people worked on a weekend, and made her way toward the cubicle farm that was the Aurors' Division.

Her stride was confident and purposeful as she bypassed her own desk and made her way toward the one belonging to Ron Weasley. She dropped the bag on the seat and opened it, pausing in her whistling to grin as she looked at the contents.



[No Subject]

Who: Angelina and George
What: Talking after the meeting for the first time in a while
Where: Outside Luna's place
When: November 8, right after the DA meeting
Rating: Work Safe most likely!

George was tired now, and ready to go home )

dumbledore's army, unite!

Characters: Dumbledore's Army
Setting: Rook Cottage, 8 November 2003, 6:30pm
Rating: PG, for dark theme discussion and a little violence
Summary: Time to bring back the ole DA gang for a little mystery solving action!

he cleared his throat and said, 'Well alright. I suppose I call this first renewed Dumbledore's Army meeting into order. We should probably get started.' )



Time Change!

Saturday November 8, 2003
12PM to 11:59PM

WEATHER IN LONDON: Partly Cloudy; High: 56°F/13°C, Low: 43°F/9°C

WEATHER IN HOGSMEADE: Light Rain; High: 52°F/11°C, Low: 43°F/6°C

MOON: Full Moon

Trickles of things that shouldn't be seen come to light as the strangeness occurring is journals is noticed. Too little too late for some, as words written clearly cannot be so easily recalled.

Neither can actions, if the rumors spreading about the supposedly most responsible Weasley being seen completely drunk at a shameful 8:30 in the morning are anything to go on.

But there are murmurs of some wanting to pool knowledge and take action about the strange occurrences lately. Maybe it's time someone besides the DMLE took steps.

[Regarding the journals, this simply means people have noticed the glitch now, though it is still in effect. Again the glitch is: struck through text is now readable for entries AND comments. This does not, however, mean that private entries/comments or those private to certain readers are viewable by everyone.]

Dec. 20th, 2011



[No Subject]

Characters: Eli Chambers & Roger Davies
Setting: Eli's study, Chambers home, mid morning
Rating: Worksafe for now.
Summary: Eli needs a partner in crime for an experiment. He might also need some bro time given the fight with his wife, but those are details.

To anyone else, the room didn't look any different, but Eli was sure if felt off. )



[No Subject]

Who: Hermione and Ron
What: Coming out of hiding and actually talking
Where: Mione's Flat
When: November 8, 11:30am-ish
Rating: PG-13 for language at most

Read More )

Dec. 19th, 2011


[No Subject]

Who: Percy Weasley & OPEN
What: Getting very, very drunk, because it's so much better than sleeping
Where: The Hog's Head, Hogsmeade
When: November 8, 8:30 AM
Rating: possibly NSFW for drunk talk and cursing

Within half an hour, 3/4 of the bottle was finished, and he was well on his way to not even remembering his last name, let alone what he'd dreamt the night before. )



Crazypants knows the deal

Characters: Zarkin Frood [NPC] and Samara Chambers, later Theodore Nott
Setting: Diagon Alley, main thoroughfare. Saturday November 8th, around 10:30 AM
Summary: Frood's off his rocker again but there may be something legit to what he's spewing.
Rating: Possibly high for disturbing imagery

Everyone knew that Zarkin Frood was pretty much completely nutters. )

Dec. 18th, 2011



Daily Prophet - November 8

The Daily Prophet for Saturday, November 8, 2003 )



Date Change!

Saturday November 8, 2003
12AM to 11:59AM

WEATHER IN LONDON: Partly Cloudy; High: 56°F/13°C, Low: 43°F/9°C

WEATHER IN HOGSMEADE: Light Rain; High: 52°F/11°C, Low: 43°F/6°C

MOON: Full Moon

The nightmares return in the night with a vengeance, just as intense and horrifying as the first time they occurred. It's an ill portent for the day to come, and the wizarding world seems braced for another terrible event to shake everyone out of their safe little lives.

Another small matter seems to have gone unnoticed in the growing fear, leaving people's inner-most thoughts exposed for anyone to see. Some have learned to be careful, but for the most part, this subtle glitch had gone unnoticed.

[Regarding the journals, as mentioned before, struck through text is now readable for entries AND comments. This does not, however, mean that private entries/comments or those private to certain readers are viewable by everyone.]