Pandora's Box RPG

March 2012



Posts Tagged: 'character:+elijah+chambers'

Mar. 12th, 2012



Paper airplane, around 11 am

interoffice to Roger Davies )

Feb. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Eli Chambers & Roger Davies
Setting: Eli's study, after 6pm
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: Time for a follow up!

Read more... )

Feb. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: All invited guests
Setting: The Chambers Home, Newport, Wales; Friday night (anywhere from 5pm onwards)
Rating: Probably in the PG-13 range
Summary: To celebrate a birthday/a dead mother/and a plan!

However, if social norms dictated they be celebrated, then why not make actual use of them? )

Jan. 30th, 2012



Owl to Samara Chambers and Family, sent around 10 AM

Owl to Samara Chambers and Family )

Jan. 26th, 2012


[No Subject]

Who: Justin & Eli
What: More library fun - this time, satisfying an adolescent curiosity
Where: Hogwarts Library
When: November 13, 9:30 AM
Rating: PGish (just some language, no sex for once!)

Justin had felt bad about not doing much more research for Anthony due to the invasion, so much so that he returned to Hogwarts to beg Madame Pince to let him use the library. )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


[No Subject]

Characters: Benjamin Capper Jr, Elijah Chambers & Samara Chambers
Setting: Chambers home, 13 November 2003, 6:14pm
Rating: PG for swearing
Summary: Samara finds out her mother is dead - on her birthday.

Samara stared at him, the words not really sinking in. She heard them, she could comprehend them, but she couldn't put them together and take their true significance because that would mean - )

Jan. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Eli Chambers & Adrian Pucey
Setting: Ministry of Magic, by the lifts around 1100
Rating: Worksafe, because they are at work...
Summary: The Living Inferi invasion hits the Ministry and Eli wants to take it apart and figure out why...and all before his morning coffee break.

Today was not the day to forget the caffeine regardless of any great breakthrough. )

Dec. 26th, 2011


[No Subject]

Characters: Elijah Chambers & Samara Chambers
Setting: Chambers home, 9 November 2003, 10:21am
Rating: General Public
Summary: Discussing how to deal with the nightmare-memories and revealing long-kept secrets.

This was one that she wasn't going to wait on, whether he was okay with it or not, he would just have to deal with that. )

Dec. 20th, 2011



[No Subject]

Characters: Eli Chambers & Roger Davies
Setting: Eli's study, Chambers home, mid morning
Rating: Worksafe for now.
Summary: Eli needs a partner in crime for an experiment. He might also need some bro time given the fight with his wife, but those are details.

To anyone else, the room didn't look any different, but Eli was sure if felt off. )

Dec. 18th, 2011


[No Subject]

Characters: Elijah Chambers & Samara Chambers
Setting: Chambers home, 7 November 2003, 10:12pm
Rating: R, for adult themes & language
Summary: Eli has been keeping secrets of his own.

It was certainly not every day that Chambers household was this quiet. )