Pandora's Box RPG

March 2012



Posts Tagged: 'character:+roger+davies'

Mar. 12th, 2012



Paper airplane, around 11 am

interoffice to Roger Davies )

Feb. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Eli Chambers & Roger Davies
Setting: Eli's study, after 6pm
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: Time for a follow up!

Read more... )

Feb. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Roger Davies & Kinjal Bhatia
Setting: Roger's place
When: November 16, Evening
Rating: TBA
Summary: Crossing the line to FWB

Read more... )

Feb. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: All invited guests
Setting: The Chambers Home, Newport, Wales; Friday night (anywhere from 5pm onwards)
Rating: Probably in the PG-13 range
Summary: To celebrate a birthday/a dead mother/and a plan!

However, if social norms dictated they be celebrated, then why not make actual use of them? )

Jan. 30th, 2012



November 14, 12:05 pm

Owl to Samara Chambers )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


[No Subject]

Who: Ern and Roger
What: Zombies! Inferi! I mean...something like that...
Where: Outside of the Leaky Cauldron
When: November 12, 20:00
Rating: Likely worksafe, but may contain swearing

Ern never envisioned his day being like this... )

Jan. 10th, 2012


Owl to Invited Party Guests, sent at 10:15am

Owl to Invited Party Guests )

Dec. 30th, 2011



Owl to Roger, 11:30 am

Owl to Roger Davies )

Dec. 22nd, 2011


[No Subject]

Characters: Roger Davies & Marietta Edgecombe, later Zacharias Smith
Setting: Marietta's flat, 8 November 2003, around 9pm
Rating: R, for adult themes & language
Summary: Marietta and Roger have some evening plans that might not go as well as they are expecting.

She didn't have an exact time but it wasn't as though there had to be a special time for this sort of thing. )

Dec. 20th, 2011



[No Subject]

Characters: Eli Chambers & Roger Davies
Setting: Eli's study, Chambers home, mid morning
Rating: Worksafe for now.
Summary: Eli needs a partner in crime for an experiment. He might also need some bro time given the fight with his wife, but those are details.

To anyone else, the room didn't look any different, but Eli was sure if felt off. )

Nov. 16th, 2011



Game on!

Who: Anyone who's up for a game of quidditch
What: Hello, quidditch!
Where: Hogwarts Pitch
When: November 3, 4 PM

After choosing teams, the players hit the pitch, mount their brooms, and away they go!

Nov. 4th, 2011



[No Subject]

Who: Roger Davies and Cade Warrington.
What: Examining Dmitri Zurlo's personal effects.
When: November 1, 2003 a bit after noon.
Where: St. Mungo's morgue.
Rating: PG-13 for bodies, bodies everywhere and possible language

Death didn't particularly disturb Cade, but like any other wizard, he didn't seek it out if he didn't have to. )

Nov. 3rd, 2011



[No Subject]

Who:Hermione and Roger
What: Sharing research
Where: Hermione's flat and wherever the owl finds Roger
When: 4pm, Saturday November 1, 2003
Rating: Work safe

Hermione needed to return to her books. She had promised Roger earlier that morning that she would send whatever research she had written up that Harry had inquired about. Therefore, she took time to rewrite all the stuff she learned and to give an outline of her last meeting with Harry including everything they spoke about. She then attached all the information to the following note.

Owl to Roger Davies )

Oct. 23rd, 2011



[No Subject]

Owl sent to Harry Potter and Roger Davies )

Oct. 20th, 2011



[No Subject]

Who: Cho and Roger Davies
What: Naptime
When: Thursday, October 30, 2003
Where: DMLE

She was about half way done with the final page when complete and total exhaustion took over. )

Oct. 18th, 2011



A New Assignment

Characters: Dalrimple Gaskin [NPC], Harry Potter, Roger Davies
Setting: October 30, 2003 10 AM, Gaskin's Office in the DMLE.
Rating: PG (will edit if needed)
Summary: Aurors Potter and Davies are assigned a new case.

While he waited for Potter and Davies to arrive at their meeting, Dalrimple Gaskin stood at attention as he watched Diagon Alley from his office window. It wasn't a true window of course, not as far underground as the Ministry was, but it served just as well. Better even. )

Oct. 17th, 2011



DMLE MEMO: Potter and Davies

Memo to Harry Potter and Roger Davies )

Oct. 15th, 2011


Rated PG

Who: DMLE Employees and Percy Weasley
What: Staff Meeting to bring the department up to speed
Where: Ministry DMLE Auditorium
When: October 25, 2003 - 9 a.m.

Percy watched as the last stragglers entered the room, his quill tapping impatiently against a parchment nearby. It was a good, reliable quill - however his enchantment of it had made it so ever-ready for work that it appeared thus impatient during its every idle moment. It was accurate, however, and he wouldn't have relied on a person to make as detailed minutes as he'd spelled it to do.

He looked over the Aurors, Hit-wizards, and other DMLE employees that had become such familiar faces over the years. Minister Shacklebolt, having been a former Auror himself, had asked Percy from the start of the Ministry's rebuilding to take a special interest in the division. There had been far too much disrespect and miscommunication in the past between the DMLE's various divisions, as well as the department in general vis-a-vis the Minister's office. Percy had taken to overseeing general staff meetings once a month in order to facilitate communication, and it appeared to at least help things go smoothly. It probably helped that Percy tried to help them proceed quickly enough so that the employees weren't bored too stiffly.

That and the morning buffet table that held juice, tea, coffee, and various pastries for the DMLE's enjoyment. Meetings were always so much easier with food.

He stood up, his quill immediately perking up in attention.

"Good morning, everyone. Thank you again for coming. As usual, I'll try to make this short and simple, and we can all move on to more important business."

He conjured a sheaf of papers containing his notes for the meeting so that he could verify that he didn't miss anything.

"Firstly, I would like to remind you that, as of the first of November, the next bout of Azkaban parole sessions will begin for those indicted for actions in the last war. As usual, our first concern is less about recidivism, and more about the reactions of other witches and wizards to the prisoner's release. If the parole is broken, then of course we will have to worry about that - but there are still sensitivities around the issue of the paroles, as we all know, and the possibilities for retaliation remain. Please be alert."

He took a breath and flipped a page.

"Also, with the approach of Hallowe'en, there are two matters for your attention. The first will be the potential for fraudulent fire-calls for assistance - when in doubt, please call Ministry Records to verify your information. We do not wish to have another instance such as the ignorance of Mister Seemour Buttes' call for help because the employee on duty presumed it to be a crank call from a Muggle-born. Also, please be patient with genuine calls that turn out to be mistakes. There are still some older citizens who mistake Muggle Trick-or-Treaters for inferi, vampires, werewolves, and the like."

He reached down for his cup of tea and took a sip before continuing.

"Finally, we have the upcoming Ministry Hallowe'en party. For those of you who have been scheduled to work the party, please ensure you have a copy of the layout of Level 8, and what areas the revelry are not allowed to explore. Anyone who goes beyond the allowed bounds is to be given one chance to return to the festivities, and any further infractions will lead to expulsion for the duration of the party. A memo has passed through the various departments asking Ministry employees not attending the party to refrain from entering the premises to make it easier for DMLE personnel to control security."

Finally, his shoulders relaxed, and he looked up and around the room.

"Now, are there any questions about this, or anything else for the Minister's office?"