Pandora's Box RPG

March 2012



Posts Tagged: 'character:+marietta+edgecombe'

Feb. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Zacharias & Marietta
Setting: Marietta's flat, right before this
Rating: PGish
Summary: Zacharias wants to be annoying, and also maybe talk about babies - or just one baby.

Honestly, he wasn't sure what he was doing or even going to say as he threw a handful of floo powder into the fireplace to take him to Marietta's flat. )

[No Subject]

Characters: Jayne Dough, Marietta Edgecombe, Hermione Granger & Pandora
Setting: Marietta's flat & Pandora's secret location, 17 November 2003, 5:58pm
Rating: R is for rancid torture
Summary: Hermione Granger is finally getting what she deserves.

Hello Granger. Are you ready to have some fun? )

Feb. 19th, 2012


Owl to Pandora, sent at 10:15pm

Owl to Pandora )

Feb. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

Who: Hermione and Marietta
What: Kidnapping!
Where: Hogsmede
When: Around 3pm on Nov 16
Rating: Bound to be a bit unhappy, PG-13 at the very least

Her innocent walk was about to turn into something much less innocent )

Feb. 15th, 2012


Owl sent November 16, noon

Owl to Marietta Edgecombe )



Owl, sent 9:43 am

Owl to Marietta Edgecombe )

Jan. 29th, 2012


[No Subject]

Characters: Michael Corner, Marietta Edgecombe & Anthony Goldstein
Setting: Diagon Alley, Flourish and Blotts, 13 November 2003, 1:23pm
Rating: PG-13 for language probably
Summary: Chance run-in that will probably result in arguing and disgruntled ex-DA friendlies.

Anthony was one of the quiet ones, she remembered back from their days at Hogwarts, though he always ran with Michael Corner who was a loud mouthed, foul creature and Terry Boot who was hard to remember much either way. )

Owl to Marietta Edgecombe, around 7 PM

Owl to Marietta Edgecombe )

Jan. 15th, 2012


[No Subject]

Who: Jaynedora and Marietta Edgecombe
What: Raising a little hell
Where: Hogsmeade
When: November 12, 10-11 AM
Rating: Much evilness inside - open at your own risk.

In the end it comes down to your thinking
And there's really nobody to blame
When it feels like your ship is sinking
And you're too tired to play the game

Nobody's going to help you
You've just gotta stand up alone
And dig in your heels and see how it feels
To Raise a little Hell of your own )

Jan. 12th, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Zacharias Smith & Marietta Edgecombe w/ Healer Crumplebottom
Setting: Healer's offices, Tuesday one o'clock
Rating: PG
Summary: Zacharias needs confirmation that Marietta is pregnant and Marietta has schemes in place to assure that he thinks she is.

In some ways his life felt like something of a joke that simply forgot to be funny. )

Jan. 9th, 2012


Owl to Jayne, sent at 5:12am

Owl to Jayne Dough )

[No Subject]

Characters: Marietta Edgecombe
Setting: Lavender's flat, 11 November 2003, 2:13am
Rating: General Public
Summary: Marietta steals the dream database from Lavender's flat.

She was out of time - the hit wizards had arrived at the other entrance and were beginning to lower their wards. She had to think fast. )

Jan. 2nd, 2012


[No Subject]

Characters: Lavender Brown & Marietta Edgecombe
Setting: Marietta's & Lavender's flat, 9 & 10 November 2003, periodic times throughout both days
Rating: General Public
Summary: Marietta begins work on her plan to obtain the dream database - and probably cause Lavender Brown more panic.

Marietta would have a perfect chance to break in and find the dream database and Lavender Brown would be none the wiser, except maybe for the few glimpses she had had of Marietta's fiery red hair in her fireplace )

Dec. 26th, 2011


[No Subject]

Characters: Healer Crumplebottom, Jayne Dough/Pandora & Marietta Edgecombe
Setting: St. Mungo's, 9 November 2003, 11:25am
Rating: General Public
Summary: Marietta has plans to put someone under Imperius and ends up being assigned a mission by Pandora to prove her worth.

I don't usually court followers, but you... you might have potential. )

Dec. 22nd, 2011


[No Subject]

Characters: Roger Davies & Marietta Edgecombe, later Zacharias Smith
Setting: Marietta's flat, 8 November 2003, around 9pm
Rating: R, for adult themes & language
Summary: Marietta and Roger have some evening plans that might not go as well as they are expecting.

She didn't have an exact time but it wasn't as though there had to be a special time for this sort of thing. )

Dec. 13th, 2011


[No Subject]

Characters: Jayne Dough/Pandora & Marietta Edgecombe
Setting: Ministry of Magic, 7 November 2003, 11:46am after Isaiah Smith's funeral
Rating: General Public
Summary: It's time for Marietta to be put on Pandora's radar.

Normally she would have an intern do it but this was not something that could be lost and she'd scared them all so much that they basically mucked up everything that she assigned to them )

Dec. 4th, 2011


[No Subject]

Characters: Marietta Edgecombe & Zacharias Smith
Setting: Marietta's flat, 6 November 2003, 8:23am
Rating: General Public
Summary: Marietta's plan goes awry but she still finds a way to rattle Zacharias' chains in the end.

She couldn't help pacing back and forth in her flat, wondering if she should take more action or just wait and give him a bit more time to respond. )

Owl to Zacharias, sent at 12:42am

Owl to Zacharias Smith )

Nov. 29th, 2011


[No Subject]

Characters: Marietta Edgecombe & Zacharias Smith
Setting: Diagon Alley Cafe, 5 November 2003, 11:45am
Rating: PG for language
Summary: Two friends catching up turns into a challenge of twisted proportions.

So for now she would just have to preoccupy herself with seeing just how much more stupid Zacharias Smith could get. )

Owl to Zacharias, sent at 8:02am

Owl to Zacharias Smith )