Mar. 26th, 2010


Band Night at Murphy's [Friday night, open]

Performing first was both good and bad. )

((OOC: If you'd like to tag in, feel free to do so wherever. THNM. I'll post each song as its own comment thread periodically throughout today and tomorrow. :) We'll see how this works!))

Dec. 18th, 2009


Hanukkah Dinner [Thursday, the Puckermans', Puck/Quinn/families]

It's so much fun-akkah to celebrate Hanukkah... )

Dec. 7th, 2009


ONTD Information-Gathering meeting

Even though this wasn't precisely a frivolous party, that didn't mean that it wasn't a social event! Therefore, there are munchies and soft drinks, and plenty of seating in the Fabray's den.

The Abrams' had come over to help her organize the meeting and create the agenda. Mrs. Fabray had looked over the site over the past few days and she couldn't believe how horrible and cruel the writers were.

When she was a girl, nothing had been this vicious.

Mrs. Fabray sighed and as the first attendees to the meeting began to arrive, she called, "Quinnie, could you get that?"

Dec. 3rd, 2009


Going to the Principal's Office [Thursday Afternoon, the parents/Mr. Figgins/any teachers/staff]

Katherine Chalmer-Abrams took the afternoon off for the meeting with Harold Figgins, the McKinley High School principal. Her husband, Geoffrey, had a hearing at three so he couldn't join her, but Melinda Fabray was going to meet her at the school and between the two of them, Kate was sure they could work up a full head of steam.

She walked down the main hallway, an assertive figure in a dark business suit and black stiletto heels with a briefcase swinging from her hand, barely noticing the curious looks she was receiving from students.

Dec. 1st, 2009


Paging Mrs. Abrams... [Tuesday night, the Parents]

Melinda Fabray was not one to take things lying down. She never had been. And this...with the slushies and the gossip column website...was not good for her Quinn. Or her granddaughter.

Therefore, it must be stopped. She was rather disappointed to hear about Santana's suspected part in the whole thing, and when it all came out, she would have words with that girl's mother.

But for now, she'd start where most people start: a lawyer.

So she dials Mrs. Abrams' number and waits for her to pick up.

Nov. 16th, 2009


[15-week sonogram. Telling the Parents. Big Night Ahead. Wednesday, Puck/Quinn]

Quinn waited just down the street from Puck's house, checking her watch incessantly. don't be late, don't be late, don't be late...

She felt sick but it wasn't from the pregnancy. They had to tell their parents tonight. That meant at least three more people would know who the father of the baby was. She was scared of how they would react.

But she knew they also needed to tell one more person...and she knew it definitely wouldn't be good.

Quinn tipped her sports bottle of water into her mouth. She already felt like a walking water balloon, but she had to drink at least another few ounces before the sonogram...

Oh, but she wanted to see Puck's face when he saw Sarah on the sonogram. It would make the rest of this night worth it.

She chewed on her lip and watched anxiously for Puck.