May. 14th, 2010


[Friday Evening, WHMS Gym, PROM -- THNM and Open to all!]

A long red carpet leads from the parking lot to the lobby of the school gym, decorated for pictures of the happy couples and groups. From there, the carpet leads to the gym, which is decked out in red and black balloons and silver stars.

There's an actual DJ this time near the “bar” where drinks are being served...well, sodas and water. It's high school, what do you want? There's tables scattered about the edges of the dance floor, with red tablecloths and movie-themed centerpieces.

Have fun, kids. Try not to get into too much trouble.

Apr. 29th, 2010


At School (Eva/Felicity)

One week down in her punishment, one to go. Eva thought she was going to go insane. The fact that she could only go to school, Glee, and home was driving her up the wall. She'd deal with a sea of protesters if it meant she could go somewhere different. So much for having a car meaning she got freedom.

With a desperate urge to get out and do something, Eva cut out of her study hall, claiming to the monitor that she was going to the library. Instead, she's wandering the halls of the school. She briefly considered just skipping the rest of the day. It was ninth period; who'd really care if she left early? But, as tempting as it was, she elected to stay in McKinley High. Maybe she could find one of the jocks and razz them a little.
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