March 24th, 2011

[info]bonggakaday in [info]new_directions

TROLOLOL [WMHS Library, Thursday study hall, Sunshine/OPEN]

Sunshine had heard the others talking about "Ohio show choir blogs and chat rooms" and she was curious, so during her next free period, she went online to check them out.

Naturally, they were all buzzing over the upcoming Regionals competition and discussing the various contestants in-depth. She skimmed over the things people were saying about Vocal Adrenaline and zeroed in on the discussions about New Directions and their competition. Some of the posts seemed fair in analyzing their strengths and weaknesses (and Sunshine had to be flattered when she read some of the nice things they were saying about her), while others were clearly biased.

The worst, however, were the posts by people who clearly had nothing to do but trash-talk. By now, she knew that she was never going to become best friends with Rachel, but the other girl was talented and they were on the same team, and Sunshine didn't like the idea of people bashing her teammates.

She glared at the screen and wondered whether she should say anything to the people who were bad-mouthing New Directions.