Nov. 13th, 2009


[Friday Afternoon, Cafeteria, Shawn/Open]

Ah, memories.. )

Nov. 6th, 2009


In the Hallways, Friday [open]

Lillian was just walking along, minding her own business. Usually, that's what people do when they're walking along. Unless, of course, they're sightseeing.

Anyway, she was walking to the music room, to practice. She was in a pretty good mood and didn't seem to have a care in the world...

Until, of course, the purple slushie surprised her. Lillian sucked in her breath and her mouth fell open in surprise.

And then she realized what had happened.

Lillian fistpumps. She was definitely part of the group now! "Yes!"

...someone should probably stop the crazy girl from dripping all over the floor...
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