Jan. 3rd, 2011


[First day, open to all reactions and threading...if you dare. Monday]

Edie walked into the school with no small amount of trepidation. Not only was she not happy here, but she was also scared. She was scared that she wouldn't make any friends, no one would like her, and that she wouldn't get on the cheer squad. If she didn't have cheer, this was going to be a long, two-year suckfest.

Thankfully, no one seemed to notice her, and she proceeded to the office to pick up her schedule and then she proceeded to get herself lost. She needed to be in English. But this looked like the physical education portion of the school. Mostly because that's where the gym was.

Crap. Crapcrapcrap...

"Shit," she muttered aloud.

"Hey there, Peaches."

Startled, Edie turned to see Dave Karofsky come down the hall. She relaxed visibly.

"Nice mouth," he said, grinning at her.

Edie blushed. "Sorry. What'd you call me?"

"Peaches. You just seem like a...Peaches. Plus, you smell like 'em." His grin faded to a little bit of confusion, as if he was unsure of a line he read.

Edie laughed a little and then sighed. "Okay, well, you're the only one who can call me that, then. No one else is allowed." It was sort of stupid, but cute. "I'm trying to find my English class. Can you help me?"

After he'd shown her to her English class, they'd checked their lunch schedules and they made plans to eat lunch together. At least it was a friendly face in a sea of question marks.

But, all in all, the school day didn't go too badly, her meeting with Ms. Sylvester (who, Edie was sure, was certifiably insane) went excellently, and she was going to be in practice tomorrow, and now she was just at her locker, putting away her books and putting her cheerleading uniform in her bag.

And she had an actual date for Friday night. Would wonders never cease?