March 3rd, 2011

[info]bonggakaday in [info]new_directions

Shopping [Thursday afternoon, the mall, Sunshine/OPEN]

Sunshine had looked at performances of American Idiot on Youtube, so she knew that she wouldn't have to dress up so much, but she still thought it would be fun to get something interesting to wear onstage even if she didn't have a big part.

Rachel didn't seem like the type of person she could ask for advice about costumes for the show, so she had asked Mercedes for advice on what to wear for the show. In the middle of waving her finger in the air and wagging her head, Mercedes had talked about "bling" and "weave" and "attitude." That last part sounded logical, but Sunshine wasn't sure if the rest was right for American Idiot.

So after grabbing some food at Jollibee (how cool was it that there was a Jollibee in a mall in Ohio?), she was wandering around the mall, looking at clothes and feeling more confused than ever.