Aug. 1st, 2010



The camp has definitely seen better days. There is no air conditioning in the main lodge, which can be unfortunate or not a problem, depending on the weather. The bus carrying all the students pulled up to the front of the main lodge, which is grey and weather beaten with age. The roof doesn't leak, so at least there's that. And the woods in which it is located is very pretty.

Will is already in the main lodge with Brad, who has been working on tuning the ancient upright piano for most of the day. Will has set up the chairs in much the same arrangement that they have in the choir room at McKinley, and has passed out sheet music for several pieces of music. Clearly, not all of them will be used at Sectionals, but it's good to do a wide variety of music to see what works.

Will is very excited to see the kids and get started on their Glee Camp adventure!

May. 28th, 2010


Glee Rehearsal! [Open to All, Auditorium] Legacy Songs are Go!

Brad was seated at his piano, the jazz band was to the side, and Will was seated in the audience, ready to hear everyone's "Legacy" songs.

"Okay! Who's going first?"

May. 19th, 2010


[GLEE REHEARSAL! Wednesday, open to all gleeks!]

Mr. Schuester was busily organizing music. Tina's group performing '21 Guns' was amazing and he thought he should expand it for the entire group. So now he was placing copies of music on everyone's chair.

And he thought that he was getting a little soft with these kids.

They needed a new assignment.

Usually, he had one picked out far before the actual rehearsal...but today, he wasn't quite sure what he'd do.

Well, life was uncertain...

And you never could predict, sometimes, what the best course of action would be.

He'd have to let it come to him.

Apr. 19th, 2010


Glee Rehearsal! [Open to All]

Will had to admit, he was feeling pretty down. He was getting divorced, he'd betrayed Emma by kissing the coach for Vocal Adrenaline, and now he and Emma were...well, not together.

And he was alone, for the first time since he was fifteen. He wasn't at all sure how to deal with it. The apartment was so quiet.

But right now, he had to concentrate on getting his Glee club in a good place for Regionals. The kids were working hard but there were a lot of distractions. Quinn was getting huge, the RENT production, and of course, various personal problems with the kids. Being a teenager, after all, was difficult, and there were still slushie facials to contend with...

Suffice it to say, Will was worried about the Glee club's chances. But he'd try his hardest...and the kids were working hard.

He clapped his hands to bring the kids to attention. "Okay! So, it's the last call for practice solos, duets, any sort of talent you want to show us...after today, we'll be working flat out on the pieces for Regionals and polished performances. So...let's have fun before we get to work. Show me what you've got!"

[ooc: I'll be in and out all day, just start posting away and I'll answer any tags to Will later! Have fun with this!]

Mar. 6th, 2010


[open post!] Saturday night at Alessandro's Piano Bar

There was only one problem with playing weekly at a piano bar--it was the repetition of the requests. How many times had he played 'Misty' already this week? That one wasn't as bad as the 'Girl from Ipanema' request. They lived in Lima, for heaven's sake!

But still, sometimes it had its recompenses.

And he did love to sing, even if he didn't get to very often in his other job.
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Feb. 22nd, 2010


Glee Rehearsal! [Open to all]

Brad came into the choir room and set down his bag of music, the bag making an audible thunk as it hit the floor by the piano. It was early so the only one who was there at the moment was Will.

"Hey, Brad," Will greeted him, and Brad just nodded pleasantly.

The two of them had worked long enough to understand that Brad was a man of Very Few Words, and he didn't speak unless it was necessary, most of the time. And so Brad warmed up, while Will sometimes discussed the arrangement of the music with him, and in the back of his mind, Brad wondered if April would come to rehearsal today.