August 28th, 2010

[info]dammit_kurt in [info]new_directions

Burt and Kurt, Friday night

As Kurt predicted his Dad was reading his entry, and for a few moments, he hesitated, wondering if it would be better if he just replied to the entry, but then decided it would be better to have a talk with his son.

So he headed down to the basement, knocking on Kurt's door softly. "Hey, Kurt. Can I come in?"
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[info]high_roller in [info]new_directions

[Saturday afternoon, Artie's house, Artie/Tina]

"Oooh, Artie's girlfriend is coming over!" Lizzie Eliza teased shrilly, looking like an evil spirit in a froofy pink ballet costume.

"Stop teasing him, Lizzie," her mother said. "Your brother's nervous enough as it is."

"We're not going to do anything questionable, Mom," Artie said, becoming defensive at the faint teasing note he heard in his mother's voice. "I'm just going to hang out and spend time with my best friend. Last time I checked, that wasn't a crime."

"It still isn't," Mr. Abrams broke in, giving his wife a chiding look. "We should get going or Lizzie's going to be late for her class and we'll be late for our meeting." He grinned at Artie and ruffled his hair. "Have a good time, sport."

"Thanks, Dad."

Artie waved goodbye to his family as they left through the front door, then went to the den to check on it for the dozenth time. To keep the house from seeming too empty, he decided to busy himself with practicing the guitar.

I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the floor and I see it need sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps...

*from "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" by the Beatles; written by George Harrison
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[info]notjustajock in [info]new_directions

[Saturday Afternoon, Sulking at the Mall, Finn/OPEN]

Funky Town )


[info]puck_me in [info]new_directions

Good for what ails ya [Saturday night, the Hudsons', Puck/Finn]

It seemed that it was Finn's lucky night, because as Puck was passing the liquor store on the way to 7-11, he saw that there was someone new working the register. The clueless newbie fell for his fake ID, easy, so Puck didn't have to settle for conning a stranger into buying him a beer, and he made his way to the Hudsons' with a six-pack and a bottle of Cuervo in a plastic bag, hidden under a couple jumbo bags of potato chips.

"Here I come to save the day," he muttered under his breath as he walked up to the Hudsons' front door and rang the bell.