June 23rd, 2010

[info]cheery_oh in [info]new_directions

Wednesday In the Park with Baby [Quinn and Sarah, open, Wednesday afternoon]

It was a beautiful day today. And one reason for that was that Glee club was back on again. And the other reason was that it was lovely and sunny. She dressed Sarah in her cutest little outfit and put sunscreen on her and a hat with a brim on it, then put Sarah in her stroller to walk to the park.

Going anywhere with Sarah took a lot of 'equipment' but Quinn had gotten better at it since she'd been born, and so now they were in the park, and she'd spread a blanket out, letting Sarah have some 'floor time' on the blanket. She'd chosen a shady spot under a tree for her to play and lay down beside her, talking to her while she played. Well, as much as you can talk to a baby, at any rate.

"Hello, precious baby. It's such a nice day today, do you like the sunshine and the tree? The tree and all the leaves...?"

It's only slightly sensical, but how else will she learn to talk if Quinn doesn't talk to her?