April 30th, 2010

[info]breakingdance in [info]new_directions

[Friday, the auditorium, Mike/open to anyone]

It was one of those days that Mike just didn't feel like going home, it wasn't that there was anything unpleasent going on at home, he just would rather do anything but sit at home and do homework.

So, there he stood in the middle of the auditorium stage. He felt a little ridiculous, standing in such a large room alone, but he wanted to work on some of his dance moves. He hadn't been to a dance class in years, but luckily Youtube had a great collection of how-to dance routines that he wasn't terribly familiar with.

Using the stereo he was "borrowed" from the boys locker room, he let some music fill the room for a few long moments before he started moving to play and he started to move to the beat.
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[info]tiny_voice in [info]new_directions

Prom Dress Shopping! [Lillian and her mom/open to all]

Patricia Stride had decided that Lillian deserved a nice new dress for the prom. She did a wonderful job with re-making all the vintage and heirloom clothing they'd acquired over the years, but if she was going to the prom (with a boy and another girl...sometimes she wondered about her daughter...), Patricia wanted her to be in a style as up to date as she could afford.

So Ned had brought them both to the mall, and while he was checking out the Sears hardware department, she and Lillian were in a dress shop.

"Mom, seriously," Lillian said, "I can just remake something...you don't have to do this, I'm not even a senior yet..."

"Nonsense. And don't argue with your mother when she wants to spoil you. Really, where did I go wrong?" Patricia chuckled.

Lillian grinned and turned back to browsing the racks.