March 1st, 2010

[info]mrshue in [info]new_directions

Just bein' a teacher... [Will/Emma]

For once, Will wasn't thinking about Glee.

Well, okay, he wasn't thinking about Glee much.

But his first order of business was to get these Spanish essays graded...and if the kids thought writing them was hard...correcting them was even harder. Right now, it was threatening to turn his brain to mush.

He'd sharpened his red pencil several times by now. At least he could count on Quinn's essay being nearly perfect. He kept pushing it farther into the pile because at least he could grade that nearer to the end and give his brain a rest.
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[info]cheery_oh in [info]new_directions

Confessional [Wednesday, Puck/Finn/Quinn, and anyone else who wants to be a witness]

Okay, this is it, Quinn thought. She held Puck's hand until he pulled away to go and talk to Finn, and then she followed along behind him a little ways. She knew he'd be angry, and she was worried about...well, everything.

She put her hands over her belly. She was getting so big now. She sighed.

At least it would be over and the truth would be out after today. She just hoped it wouldn't make things worse.
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