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Posts Tagged: 'thanatos'

Apr. 15th, 2012


[No Subject]

I'm a fan of the internet because it's stupid and entertaining at the same time. Why can't everybody else be both and not just stupid?

[Filter: Pasithea, Hypnos, Thanatos]

I forgot to check in. I broke three ribs, and I had to get my leg amputated. Also I was just diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Stupid maze. I guess I'll pass that disability test.

Apr. 9th, 2012




[Filter: Family (in-laws included, of course!)]

Charon, I think you're older now. Unless I'm mistaken.

Are we all well? In one piece and all? I woke up with twigs in my hair.

Apr. 5th, 2012




And while Euterpe had escaped, Thanatos would not fair quite as well. He'd been resting beneath the shade of a tree, annoyed at having gone through his cigarettes. Those and his lighter had been on his person when taken, in the pocket of his robe (and luckily there were pajama pants beneath it). One would imagine the lighter to be of use but no. That had quit soon after his last cigarette.

Perfect. He'd toyed with it anyway, half-heartedly wish it would come back to life if just for the sake of doing so. He had no intention to burn anything. Not even the hedges that he suspected reached out to brush against him when he wasn't looking.

It was another case of not looking when Utukku came for him. He felt a sharp pinch in his arm and looked down to see a dart. Realization set in and he rose, cursing when another stuck him in the side. And then his ass. Dizziness came as he felt himself sink back to the ground before darkness swept over him.

Mar. 19th, 2012




[He is not feeling emotional despite the mild curiosity and, therefore, typing can happen. A great blessing indeed. He's very tired of the random objects piling up. At least Fiona seemed to be happy with them, though.

But a filtered post to his brother is needed and he gets down to it.

[Filter: Hypnos]

While I'm not turning things into other things, a moment of your time, brother?

Mar. 18th, 2012


seks. ☽

I had a dream that I was very small... Small like an ant. I was in a field. It started to rain, and I used a flower as an umbrella.

I don't know what it means.




Don't think I'm going to run out of change any time soon if this keeps up.

[No Subject]


Now that I've stopped pushing that off, we can put that aside. I really just wanted to make a post because I felt bad about Merlin and the abundance of his comments everywhere. If we know each other, you should talk to me. Maybe I can finally make interesting out of this new revelation.

Mar. 12th, 2012



post, the seventh

I got a postcard from my parents today, saying they missed me and were hoping I was doing well. I'm going to write them a letter to tell them all about how awesome things are for me. It's so weird, I think this is the longest I've stayed in one place since I was seventeen. Unless you count that whole weird past two months... I've got so much here, that I haven't even thought about traveling or anything. Well, except marriage. And kids. With Hypnos. But still.

We've gotten some great new cookie recipes down at the bakery, and since the weather's been getting nicer there's been a lot of kids coming in. I love seeing their little faces light up when we give them cookie samples!

Oh, Thanatos, I saw this and thought of you -

Feb. 27th, 2012


fem. ☽


[His father was Zeus. Zeus, the only man who could terrify him. The man who had broken into his apartment, touched him, threatened him. And now he was dying. How could he feel for a man who terrified him, but who had also been his father for twenty-five years?]

Pasithea? Thanatos?

Feb. 25th, 2012




[Filter: Nimue]

Sorry, I wasn't able to get to this thing until now. I wanted to keep a low profile until things got more calm. I'm fine, though. How do you feel about ditching Ilium for Svarga, by the way?

[Filter: Public]

So, how's Svarga these days?

Jan. 27th, 2012



post, the third

Glastheim was nice, but I'm happy to be home and with my boys again. It's funny, I didn't think it was possible to miss anyone as much as I missed Letus and Somnus, but they did come from me so I guess that makes sense. I know it might be too early to say this, but I think Hypnos and I have two little brilliant boys on our hands! They're so focused, and even though both have a tendency to be quiet you can just tell by looking at them that they're so aware of everything around them.

I need to start pulling my hair back more though, Letus likes getting a grip on it and yanking as hard as he can. He's got a good grip on him. Somnus takes after his daddy more than he does me, that boy can nap at the drop of a hat... oh no! People are going to think I have babies on the brain!

and someone got into mommy's ink... I should go clean him up.

Jan. 25th, 2012




Why is it whenever I sweep up in my brother's shop it just creates a bigger mess?

...I need a drink.




[That morning, Thanatos had been unable to find a cloak. He very much liked this cloak to the point of being obsessed with wearing it on certain types of days. He really couldn't (or wouldn't) explain why but those who knew him knew he did what he wanted in a most stubborn fashion. It wasn't the type of thing one would find in Svarga and it had been one of the few things he had bought while coming from there.

But instead of finding it, he found a box of his ex's things. Not just ideas of apparel or items she herself had made or bought but a few were things he had gifted her with. Then there were notes. Those he quickly destroyed with his own hands and then set them on fire. The rest he couldn't decide what to do with. Until he remembered the journals.

Fucking Hate every goddamn Die in a I need to get rid of a few things once owned by a woman. A couple of scarves, dresses. Pair of good boots. Handmade pouches for coin or something. A couple of books on healing and herbs, novice stuff. Some cooking books, more complex stuff, I guess. All that's free, I don't care. But I'll be selling a ruby ring and pair of earrings. May as well get some money back for those. If something appeals or you're curious, see me tomorrow morning. Name's Thanatos and I'm a blacksmith. Shouldn't be all that hard to find me if you've any sense.

But tonight, I will be in the nearest fucking tavern.

Jan. 24th, 2012



two. ♘


There was a scraggly street dog who followed me home and won't seem to leave me alone. I'm going to keep him, but my sister will have to name him. I would settle for 'Scrappy' if it wasn't so obvious a name.

Nimue, I have something to give you. It isn't the dog, to be clear.

Jan. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Deiphobus]

So after that dreadfully boring wedding, I feel in need of some real entertainment. Assuming you can handle that, darling. ♥

[Filter: Gwen]

Lovely to see you as always, I'd wish you luck but we both know I wouldn't mean it~

I'm sure it'll be just fine.

[Filter: Ilium]

Darlings, this is your queen speaking. She is happy to be home and bids you all a loving~ and caring~ greeting.

Jan. 7th, 2012




Is it too much to ask that someone assists me in convincing my brother that a day off from work never hurt, and is in fact considered by many to be therapeutic? If not, then perhaps they could suggest some way for me to rid myself of some boredom.

Jan. 3rd, 2012




To all of those who are concerned: do not think that I cannot see you. That is all.

Dec. 28th, 2011



[No Subject]

A year since I brought you all to me, a year. It is time we met face to face, Godlings. My name is Khaos and your lives will be ending shortly. And most assuredly painfully.

What did you think, that everything was just a coincidence? There are none. You're mine, all of you. Bending, breaking, twisting beneath my will and desires. You feed me and I keep you from becoming nothing.

Did you like my friends? Those who have been watching you alongside me? Your arrogance brought your downfall before little ones. It will soon end and you will be nothing- not gods, not mortals, no souls- nothing but forgotten stories the mortals tell poorly.


[ooc: remember to direct any ooc questions & the like here]

Dec. 25th, 2011




I don't much care for holidays, but I'm thankful that the people I care for are all here and safe. Let's hope this lasts through the end of the year.



post, the first~

It's Christmas, I'm with family and loved ones, and I have a sock monkey hat.

I can't really ask for anything more.

Dec. 19th, 2011



The holidays are always a crazy time of year, this year no exception. I volunteered to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, driving people to church if they want to go and spending the day with the families. Which also means I get New Year's off. Really, I'd probably work New Year's too, if there was no one else. We have so many families right now and this is a really tough time of the year to be between homes.

Anyway, it sounds like people have much more exciting plans than mine. Happy holidays, everyone! Here's hoping they're quiet...