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Posts Tagged: 'morpheus'

Mar. 26th, 2012



post, the ninth

It's weird, now that I'm no longer making flowers appear everywhere I kinda miss them. Smokey really digs the bunny I found in the tub though, so I guess that's a plus.

[filter; morpheus/visible to hypnos and thanatos]

I know this might seem sudden, but now that things have calmed down for the time being I was wondering if you'd like to come for dinner sometime. I can invite Thanatos, and you could even bring a friend if you want. It's no biggie if you don't want to, but I figured I'd offer.

Mar. 19th, 2012




Well, things could be going better. But it's not that frequent, at least for me. Do have an abundant amount of papayas, though. If someone wants some, tell me. It's a bit...silly.

But are most of us doing alright?

Mar. 18th, 2012



post, the eighth

So... work today was interesting. Every time I tried to gather ingredients to make something they turned into flowers. And not like, pretty flowers either. Nope, they were drooping daisies. And they got everywhere. Long story short, my manager told me to take some time off so I don't accidentally bake petals into scones.

It kept happening too. Like when I tried to feed the kitties. And on the bus. I'm almost afraid to change my clothes, but I'll do it. Showering might be weird, though.

seks. ☽

I had a dream that I was very small... Small like an ant. I was in a field. It started to rain, and I used a flower as an umbrella.

I don't know what it means.

[No Subject]


Now that I've stopped pushing that off, we can put that aside. I really just wanted to make a post because I felt bad about Merlin and the abundance of his comments everywhere. If we know each other, you should talk to me. Maybe I can finally make interesting out of this new revelation.



second chase.

This just in: I'm apparently a magician.


I woke up late, turned my alarm clock into an apple, turned my bagel into an apple, and then turned my wallet into an apple.

I just want to point out that Genesis doesn't actually mention apples at all.

Anyway, after sitting around for two hours I was able to finally get out the door.

[Filter: Charon]

Do you want to do something? Preferably something that avoids touching inanimate objects as much as possible.

Mar. 15th, 2012



the twelfth ♥

I wanted to say this earlier, but my excitement got in the way, I think. I got into NYU about a month ago.